Struts Projects
Easy Struts Projects to learn and get into development ASAP.
These Struts Project will help you jump the hurdle of learning complex Struts Technology.
Struts Project highlights:
- Struts Project to make learning easy
- Using Spring framework in your application
- Project in STRUTS Framework using MYSQL database as back end
- Struts Projects are supported be fully tested source code and ant build file
- How to used hibernate in the Struts projects?
- Struts Projects will help you master the concepts like updating, deleting, modifying and inserting the data into database using hibernate.
- How to work with View Layer, Model layer, Database Layer and finally the database
- Struts Projects explains here can be used as dummy project to learn and experiment
Project Listing
Struts Hibernate Integration Tutorial
In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate Struts and Hibernate. After completing this tutorial you will be able to use Hibernate in your Struts project. Download the source code of Struts Hibernate Integration Tutorial.- Setting
up MySQL Database and table
This section describes how to setup database and populate it with the data. We are using MySQL Database for this tutorial.
- Downloading
Struts, Hibernate and Integrate It
This section explains you to setup the develop workbench for our Struts Hibernate tutorial
- Writing
Hibernate configuration file, POJO class and Tutorial.hbm.xml (Hibernate
mapping class)
In this section we will write required hibernate objects like configuration files and then integrate all the stuffs.
- Developing
Hibernate Struts Plugin
In this section we will write Hibernate Struts Plugin Java code and integrate it with the Struts.
- Writing
Web Client to Search the database using Struts Hibernate Plugin
In this section we will write web client to test struts Plugin. We will be developing a search form to search the tutorials from the table.
- Build
and testing the application
In this section we will build our Struts Hibernate Plugin Application and then test.
- Setting
up MySQL Database and table
Login and User Registration Application Using Struts and Spring
You can easily use this Login application to quick start your application development.- Simplified
Application Development
This tutorial provides an outlook of the alternative lightweight approaches for building J2EE enterprise based web application by combining all the three mentioned frameworks e.g. Struts, Hibernate and Spring.
- About
this Login Application
This tutorial provides some simple steps for creating a website login application that can be used later in any big Struts Hibernate and Spring based application.
=> Login Form
Login Screen our web application allows the user the registered user to logon to the system.
=> Update Profile
The Update Profile page allows the logged in user to update his/her profile. Form allows user to change his/her password.
=> Forgot Password
The Forgot Password for allows the retrieve their forgotten password.
- Designing
and creating database
Database designing is considered as crucial stage in the development lifecycle of the web application. The database is finally responsible for storing the data in the database for retrieval in future.
- Downloading
the required software and integration into web application
In this section you will learn how to download required software for our Login and Registration Application. In this tutorial we are using one of the best technologies (Struts, Hibernate and Spring).
- Writing
POJO and configuration files
We have only one table into the database and we need one POJO class and the hibernate mapping file to map the login object to the database table.
- Writing
Spring Application Context definition xml
In this section we will wire up the components by defining the Application context definition file (applicationContext-hibernate.xml). This file is used by context loader servlet to initialize the Spring application context.
- Configuring
the Spring Context Loader Servlet
In this section we will learn about Spring's Context loader servlet and then see how to add the required configuration in the web.xml file to load the Spring Context.
- Understanding
Spring Struts Hibernate DAO Layer
In this section we will understand how Spring Hibernate and Struts will work together to provide best solution for any web based application.
Layer explained
In this section we will explain you the DAO Layer of our application.
- Send
Mail Bean
In our application we have developed mailer bean that sends welcome email when a new user is registered to the system. Mail Bean also used when user asks for the forgotten password.
- Developing
User Registration Form
In this section we will develop user registration form code.
- User
Registration Action Class and DAO code
In this section we will explain how to write code for action class and code for saving data into database.
- Login
In this section we will develop Login Form code for our application.
- Developing
Login Action Class
In this section we will explain how to write code for login action class and database code for validating the user against database.
- Simplified
Application Development
Other Struts Projects
Orbeon OXF
Welcome to the OPS examples! Here you will find various examples illustrating the capabilities of OPS, from the OPS Tutorial examples to XForms examples, and much more. For more information about OPS, please visit the following resources:
OPS User Guide. The User Guide is the reference OPS documentation.
OPS Tutorial. The OPS Tutorial familiarizes the reader with the technologies and steps required to build applications with OPS.
Mockrunner is a lightweight framework for unit testing applications in the J2EE environment. It supports servlets, filters, tag classes and Struts actions and forms. Furthermore it includes a JDBC, a JMS and a JCA test framework and can be used in conjunction with MockEJB to test EJB based applications.
Mockrunner extends JUnit and simulates the necessary behaviour without calling the real infrastructure. It does not need a running application server or a database. Furthermore it does not call the
web container or the Struts ActionServlet. It is very fast and enables the user to manipulate all involved classes and
mock objects in all steps of the test. It can be used to write very sophisticated unit-tests for J2EE based applications without any overhead. Mockrunner does not support any type of in-container testing.
Mockrunner does not read any configuration file like web.xml or struts-config.xml.
What is
StrutsEJB is an open source class library for building J2EE-based web applications quickly using Struts, EJB and JSTL. The library provides several out-of-the-box solutions:
StrutsEJB offers a generic Struts Action class and Session Facade that remove the need for much of the routine coding involved in EJB and Struts integration. You merely write an EJBCommand class containing your application's business logic and add an entry to struts-config.xml. You will be freed from burden of coding any of the the following:
heavy Session Beans and DDs for each component of the business logic
Action and Action Form classes for each Struts processing step
Session Bean life cycle management (create/remove) with HttpSession
JNDI access and system level exception handling
J2EE patterns like Business Delegate and Service Locator
sequence and GUID generation and so on.
LogWeb is a web interface for configuring Log4J at runtime within a servlet container.
In response to numerous requests, LogWeb has been restructured to make it easier to incorporate LogWeb as a 3rd party component within your web-apps. The installation document outlines the different ways to install
Every feature of Log4J that can be configured from the log4j.xml configuration file is available through this interface.
There is a demo installation of the LogWeb application.