Just after May 22 2013, all websites involved in Black-Hat and Grey-Hat SEO techniques took a huge dive in their ranking. Poorly indexed websites, spammy websites and duplicate content websites all were punished because of the one reason. They were targeting search engine and planned their SEO techniques around it.
Google says this is clear violation of its Webmaster guidelines. Websites should target the audience and give them authentic and informative website.
To recover from the Google Penguin 2.0 update and the get the ranking back, SEOs must rethink their strategies. One must understand that the cat and mouse game can't help you for long. SEO bring new trick, Google brings new update to algorithm to check those tricks and we are to square one. The best and long-term method to maintain and gain ranking is to follow and play with Google Webmaster guideline.
Target Social Networking sites:
Social Networking sites have become important more than ever. They are best place to make your website visible to audience and at the same time gives a natural and genuine link back. Traffic can be easily generated on a good content. However, social networking sites require attractive content that interests people. Also search engine is giving importance to your existence in such sites.
Guest Posting:
Now that SEO can no longer post same article to different article marketing websites, cannot spam forums and discussion platforms with links, Guest posting and blogs have become the only way to naturally generate links. These guest posting gives you a platform to talk about your website and at the same time allow you one to two links. But remember keyword stuffing and marketing your website won't be entertained. The article must be informative and than it can have a little of something about the product. One can still post unique articles on different article marketing websites.
Immediately Stop Paid Links:
These are the much talked about change that Google penguin 2.0 brought. The things is SEO used to target one or two keywords that can bring traffic to their website and used to pay other websites in return of a link, advertorials or anchor text for such keywords. Google believes this is manipulation as a website is not generating natural links but is paying for it just to get above in search results.