Spammy websites, websites involved in unethical means and methods, Black-Hat SEO and Grey-Hat SEO techniques, all have taken a big blow after the launch ofGoogle Penguin 2.0 . Many famous website, big names saw a dive in their ranking.
An algorithm change took place on May 22, 2013. Google said it will be the biggest update of the year 2013, so far result have been pointing towards the same. Though Black-Hat SEO and Grey-Hat SEO have begun to find a new neat trick to deceive Google Webmaster guidelines, it is advised that playing along the guidelines is more fruitful. Google as it seems in coming time will become more strict towards websites and their tricks to target the search engine rather than the audience.
To recover from Google Penguin 2.0 updates , SEO must understand that deceiving Webmaster will work only for a short term and to stay for a long term White-Hat SEO techniques are the only way.
At first "no follow" all Paid links:
Links play a major role in search engine ranking and results. So to generate link SEO used to pay for them. Targeting a particular keyword, SEO used to get anchor text or links or advertorials from other websites. Low ranking websites and spammy websites were also available options for link building. Quality of the links was not accounted. Even unrelated links were used. But with the release of Penguin 2.0 , Google is making sure that such techniques does not benefit any website any further. It has clearly said that a website must make sure that links is related to the content and should be from a quality website and should be natural.
Ever link and every website is being checked thoroughly. Any spam website found linked to your website, ranking goes down.
Duplicate Content and Keyword stuffing:
The other thing SEO used to play was on keywords. Stuffing them in the content of their website, using them excessively in articles blogs just to get in search results. Duplicate content were posted on different article marketing website to get links and traffic. Now all this needs to stop, duplicate content if found will be heavily punished. Keyword stuffing found in your website will lead to cut-down of your ranking and disappearance from Search engine.
Use unique content in your website, remove pages having keyword stuffed, use alternative keywords and post original and authentic content.