Google Launches Panda 4.0

Google has just launched the new search engine update Panda 4.0. Check how it will impact your website?

Google Launches Panda 4.0

Google Launches Panda 4.0 search engine updates

Now the latest update of the search engine ranking algorithm Panda 4.0 is officially released. It is now confirmed that the Google has updated the search engine and now Panda 4.0 algorithm is officially launched. There are many expectation from this update, now people will be able to find the great content from the web. This update is targeted to provide the great content to the people searching on the Google search engine.

The main goal of the Panda algorithm is to provide the great-quality content sites to the users by pushing the quality websites and blogs in the search results. It is also targeted to push the low-quality or scrapper website down in the search engine results. So, it will help the searchers to always find the good, most useful and great content on the web.

Google Panda 4.0 Updates

It is confirmed that the Panda 4.0 is rolling out and now making a waves in the search engine results. At the same time Google is rolling out the Panda 4.0 and also refreshing the algorithm to target the spammy queries. These changes/updates are hitting and many website may get hit. Traffic will definitely will increase on the good and quality content websites. Low-quality content website will further go down in the search engine results resulting is big loss in the natural traffic.

If your site was panelized earlier and if it is fixed then it is certain that your website traffic will increase. Due to your hard work in the past you will start get paid for quality contents.

Now Google is making two changes/updates at the same time:

  • Panda 4.0 updates for increasing the ranking of the high quality content website
  • The payday loans update to remove the spammy queries

Both these changes will actually make a big hit in the search engine world and many website may get affected of this. So, just check your website and find out the effect of this update on your website.

Earlier its was said by Google that they are not going to make the multiple updates at once or within a short span of time, but now they have come up with the two updates simultaneously. So, both these two updates will affect the ranking of the website as the same site. It might to positive or negative for a website. But it's sure that the quality content website will get paid for their hard work.

Now its very difficult job for a webmaster to analyze and find the reason of the impact of the updates. If the website traffic goes down it will become very hard to find out the exact reason of the impact. So, now its very hard time for the webmaster and SEO gurus. But its sure that only quality, unique and really useful content website will be benefited.

Due to the Panda 4.0 updates many website will see an increase in the traffic, beware many SEOs will start claiming their work even if they haven't done anything. A lot of site due to its quality content will see a improvements without a single change. So, it becomes now more difficult for SEOs to identify the exact reason and solution.

Some website are claiming that there is sharp increase in the traffic of their website without having done anything on the website. So, it also seems strange.

So, in nutshell Google Panda 4.0 update is good for high-quality and useful website. Let's wait and see the impact of the Panda 4.0 updates on the ranking of the websites.


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