Classes-Objects in JavaScript

In this article you will learn the basics Classes and Objects of JavaScript and create the examples of Classes and Objects in JavaScript .

Classes-Objects in JavaScript

Classes-Objects in JavaScript


In this article you will learn the basics Classes and Objects of JavaScript and create the examples of Classes and Objects in  JavaScript .

About Object 
JavaScript is a object oriented programming language so, its variables is depending upon the objects. In object oriented programming language , user create own object to use variables types. An object is a special kinds of data and it contains the properties and methods. JavaScript has several built in objects. Such as: Array, String, Date e.t.c. .

Syntax to create an object:- 


The example to create an object and display the some results:-


<script language=javascript">

stuobj=new Object()"vinod"
document.write("Student Name :- " + " Roll no. :- " +stuobj.roll + " Subject :- " +stuobj.sub);
