JavaScript clear method

We can clear string from a selected string or text by the use of selection object's clear() method.

JavaScript clear method

JavaScript clear method


We can clear string from a  selected string or text by the use of selection object's clear() method. It?s very simple to implement this clear method of JavaScript's selection object. 



Description of code:

In the script tag we have created the function deleteSelect() for clearing the selection. This deleteSelection() method is called when user calls this method by clicking on the button "Delete Selection". When user selects some text then this value goes automatically in the selection object and by calling the method clear() it deletes the selected value.

Here is the full html code for the clearExample.html as follows:


<script type="text/javascript">
   function deleteSelect(){
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<div style="background: #cf2255; width:'100%';" align="center">
<font color="#ffffcc" size="12pt"><b>Delete Selection Example</b></font></div>
<p> select any part of this string to delete its component </p>
<button onClick="deleteSelect();">Delete Selection</button>

Output :

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