JavaScript appendData method

In JavaScript if we want to append some of the data to the HTML content that already exists then we can use appendData() method.

JavaScript appendData method

JavaScript appendData method


In JavaScript if we want to append some of the data to the HTML content that already exists then we can use appendData() method. It appends data to the previously existing content on the HTML page. 

If we want to append some data to the document's body then we can write it in the following manner like this

  paragraph.firstChild .appendData()

Description of example:

Here in this example code we have created a button named "Append Data" which is being used to call JavaScript function funAppendData() into which we have added the text to the document by using the method appendData(). To append data when we click on the "Append Data" it will append data to the HTML body and then button becomes disabled.


<script language="javascript">
function funAppendData(){
  var paraData = paragraph.firstChild
   .appendData(" We have added this text by appendData().");
  <p id="paragraph">Hello ! </p>
  <button onclick="funAppendData();
   this.disabled=true;">Append Data


Click on the button "Append Data"

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