Access Modifiers : Access modifiers are used to specify the visibility and accessibility of a class, member variables and methods.
Access Modifiers
Access Modifiers : Access modifiers are used to specify the visibility and accessibility of a class, member variables and methods. Java provides some access modifiers like: public, private etc.. These can also be used with the member variables and methods to specify their accessibility.
- public keyword specifies that the public
class, the public fields and the public methods can be accessed
from anywhere.
- private: This keyword provides the
accessibility only within a class i.e. private fields and methods
can be accessed only within the same class.
protected: This modifier makes a member
of the class available to all classes in the same package and all sub
classes of the class.
- default : Its not a keyword. When we don't write any access modifier then default is considered. It allows the class, fields and methods accessible within the package only.