Green Laser
Green laser is a gas laser using mercury and argon it generates a green beam at the wave length of 5225 angstrom that is more powerful than traditional red laser. A traditional red laser is commonly used in various purposes like surgery, astronomy, and in sea, while green laser is especially used in astronomy and in the sea water to discover the tiny thing. Green laser produces a long tiny green beam that reaches very far beyond the dust and fog that’s why it is used mostly by the amateur astronomers.
Emission and Characteristics
Laser beams are omitted from the laser diodes. The process of generating green beams are more complex than traditional red laser beam. Green laser omitted in the column form called as collimated. Lasers are emerged from various diode models applying different methods depending upon the wavelength and color. For generating green laser Mercury-Argon diode is required. Special crystals filter and focus the light to get it. It is omitted in the dotted from and create a green collimated beam.
Green laser have more energy than traditional red laser because it has 5225 angstrom or 532 nanometer wavelength while traditional red laser has 650 nanometer wavelengths. It reaches very far and can be able to find a very small spot from very far. It can travel beyond the cloud and hillside area with more efficiency.
Usage and Advantage
Green laser are more visible because of it color spectrum. Green color is closer to the center of visible spectrum. Green laser is 50 times brighter than traditional red color laser, that why it is highly suited in the dark. It looks much clearer in the darks so the amateur astronauts and sea dippers use it for the clearer visibility. It can also hit the target across the clouds and can travel in the hills up to 9000 ft.
High power laser beam is generally used for the astronauts. They used 5 miliwatts power of laser gun, if it is used on the eye of any person for only few milliseconds, the retina of the eyes will be burnt within this time period. So laser beam is highly hazardous if it is not used with precaution. All the green laser having power of more than 1 milliwatts are dangerous. So must use it with full care.