What is OBEX?
OBEX, abbreviation of OBject EXchange, is a communications protocol used for exchanging of binary objects between particular devices. It is similar to HTTP in design and function that works for transporting binary-formatted length value on most transporting devices such as TCP/IP, Infrared and Bluetooth etc. It is maintained by Infrared Data Association, so it is also known as IrOBEX or Infrared OBEX. OBEX is also known as "Session Protocol" or "binary http protocol".
In this wireless world era, where the trends of Wi-Fi techniques such as Cellphone, PDA and laptop are being adopted at the revolutionary speed. The importance of OBEX has been increased. After connecting to internet, user provides objects to OBEX including files, pictures, calendar and business cards etc. The most initial tools in which this application has been utilized is Palm III PDA. This application is also being used on the large scale in the latest wireless technologies such as PDAs, Mobile Phones, Scanners, Smart phones. Microsoft is also using it in it's operating system software.