What is KBPS?

The term KBPS refers to Kilobits per second. KBPS represents the rate of data transaction in the network. The computer system is design in such a way that it can assess the only two digit. 0 and 1. All computer architecture is depend upon these two di

What is KBPS?

What is KBPS?


The term KBPS  refers to Kilobits per second.  KBPS represents the rate of  data transaction in the network. The computer system is design in such a way that it can assess the only two digit. 0 and 1. All computer architecture is depend upon  these two digits and this is called binary.  So whole computer architecture is based on  binary system. The computer recognize the string and character on the basis  of  its combination of configuration. Each string of eight bits is called a byte. One byte is equal to eight bits and on byte is equal to one character. 

One kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes Like that 1024 kilobytes makes 1 megabyte. The rate of data transfer is measured in either KBPS or MBPS.