XML Books
Processing XML with Java
Welcome to Processing XML with Java, a complete tutorial about writing Java programs that read and write XML documents. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date book about integrating XML with Java (and vice versa) you can buy. It contains over 1000 pages of detailed information on SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP, TrAX, XPath, XSLT, SOAP, and lots of other juicy acronyms. This book is written for Java programmers who want to learn how to read and write XML documents from their code. The paper version is published by Addison-Wesley, and can be found at fine bookstores everywhere including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The list price is $54.95, but most bookstores are offering their usual discounts.
The XML Bible
The XML Bible is a comprehensive introduction to using XML for Web page design. It shows you how to write XML documents, validate them with DTDs, design CSS and XSL style sheets for those documents, convert them to HTML, and publish them on Web servers for the world to read. You'll also learn how to use XML technologies like RDF, XLinks, XHTML, and namespaces to add structure and organization to your document collections. And finally, you'll learn about the many uses of XML beyond the Web site, including genealogy, subscription services, mathematics, vector graphics, and more. After reading this book I hope you'll agree with me that XML is the most exciting development on the Internet since Java, and that it makes Web site development easier, more productive, and more fun.
Store .NET &XML
If you're seeking ways to build network-based applications or XML-based web services, Microsoft provides most of the tools you'll need. XML is integrated into the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET, but if you want to get a grasp on how .NET and XML actually work together, that's a different story. With .NET & XML, you can get under the hood to see how the .NET Framework implements XML, giving you the skills to write understandable XML-based code that interoperates with code written with other tools, and even other languages. NET & XML starts by introducing XML and the .NET Framework, and then teaches you how to read and write XML before moving on to complex methods for manipulating, navigating, transforming, and constraining it.
The XML Book Business
After spending a week of toil and labor in the Semantic Web mines, I've returned to the surface, to the sweetness and light of the XML developer community. And what do I find but a crisis about the XML part of the technical book publishing industry, as well as a monster thread about character entity names. I've been beaten up publicly as of late for failing to disclose various affiliations and perceived conflicts of interest. Let me say, then, for the record that I work for O'Reilly as an editor of this site, and that I know very little, if anything about O'Reilly's book publishing business. So now that I've outed myself, let's get to the issue.
A Technical Introduction to XML
It is somewhat remarkable to think that this article, which appeared initially in the Winter 1997 edition of the World Wide Web Journal was out of date by the time the final XML Recommendation was approved in February. And even as this update brings the article back into line with the final spec, a new series of recommendations are under development. When finished, these will bring namespaces, linking, schemas, style sheets, and more to the table. This introduction to XML presents the Extensible Markup Language at a reasonably technical level for anyone interested in learning more about structured documents. In addition to covering the XML 1.0 Specification, this article outlines related XML specifications, which are evolving. The article is organized in four main sections plus an appendix.
Recommended XML Books
We're pleased to provide free sample chapters of the following recommended XML books to further your XML education and training.
The XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference is the authoritative reference on XPath 2.0, a sub-language within XSLT that determines which part of an XML document the XSLT transforms. Written for professional programmers who use XML every day but find the W3C XPath specifications tough to slog through, the book explains in everyday language what every construct in the language does and how to use it. It also offers background material on the design thinking behind the language, gentle criticism of the language specification when appropriate, and a diverse range of interesting examples in various application areas.
Books on XML
This book section is not meant to be comprehensive, it only reflects titles that I personally found useful. This technology moves so fast that most books are out of date by the time the ink has dried, but a few books still add value by painting the big picture or explaining the rationale of things, that rather get augmented than superceded. And there are always new books in the pipeline, so check back frequently. Beginning XML is for developers interested in learning what XML is, what it can do, and how to use it in their web, e-commerce or data-storage applications.
Learning XML, Second Edition
In this second edition of the best-selling title, the author explains the important and relevant XML technologies and their capabilities clearly and succinctly with plenty of real-life projects and useful examples. He outlines the elements of markup--demystifying concepts such as attributes, entities, and namespaces--and provides enough depth and examples to get started. Learning XML is a reliable source for anyone who needs to know XML, but doesn't want to waste time wading through hundreds of web sites or 800 pages of bloated text.
XML Books Listing
The XML books listed here provide you with background information on XML and describe its role in building electronic business applications. Software AG is neither responsible nor can it be held liable for the content of the books listed. Success with Electronic Business is the complete technical guide to designing industrial-strength electronic business systems for the long haul. Written by technologists for technologists, it offers unprecedented insight into the electronic business state-of-the art - and specific guidance with the make-or-break decisions implementers face in designing architectures, building systems, and choosing products.
XML Book Review
think the first half of the book could be sold separately as "XML in the Real World". It goes over a lot of concepts of " requirements gathering" as well as XML. How and why to create well formed documents, and how to create your own DTDs. I have no need to create the CMS the book helps you create, but the concept alone with well written example code and laymens english terms is a great eye opener. This is the first book I've read from the people at Sitepoint , I'll probably get some more from them.