


Hibernate Books


  1. Hibernate in Action
    Hibernate In Action is one of the books on Hibernate which is an open source object/relational persistence and query service for Java. The authors are Christian Bauer and Gavin King. Readers will learn how to use Hibernate as a persistence layer between their application and the database. By using a single continuing application called CaveatEmptor, the authors throughout the book illustrate the implementation of Hibernate solution; these examples are very comprehensible and will help the reader to implement Hibernate in their own applications. 

  2. Hibernate 3 Live
    Hibernate is a leading open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) tool. It allows plain Java classes to be transparently persisted to a relational database. With its support for most relational databases, it's extremely flexible mapping mechanism and its focus on performance it is rapidly gaining a lot of acceptance and respect in the Java community. Hibernate 3 has recently been released in production. Hibernate Live is targeted to Java developers who are familiar with some of the aspects of Hibernate, or may be new to the technology and interested in learning more.

  3. Pro Hibernate 3
    Like other people have said, this book is pretty short. To make matters worse, it repeats itself a lot and wastes a lot of pages with boring code such as using 3 pages to show a POJO (plain old java object) with nothing but getters and setters. Did they really need to show that? This book is an ok introduction to hibernate, but definately isn't worth the price. A lot of the same information can be found online, and this book doesn't really present the information in a new or useful way. I was hoping for more in-depth information about Hibernate 3. The book flows ok and is easy to read, but just doesn't have the details that you can find with the general documentation. I should have previewed the book at a local store before buying it. Hibernate in Action is supposed to be the best Hibernate book, but didn't buy it because it is almost 2 years old now. Looking back, probably should have bought that to get a good foundation, then used the online docs to find the differences with ver 3.

  4. Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook 
    For the versions of Hibernate and Hsqldb it was written for this is an excellent book to get you up and running, and a good introduction into the Hibernate platform. But Hibernate and Hsqldb both have moved on and many (most) of the examples no longer work without modification. Nothing that searching the web and Hibernate documentation can't find quickly though, leaving it still a viable introduction into the concepts and syntax. I personally like thin books and this one certainly doesn't try to spoonfeed you Java or anything, it assumes the reader is smart enough to figure things out for himself.

  5. JavaRanch Big Moose Saloon: hibernate book
    I have HIA, which is an excellent book. I highly recommend it. As noted above, though, the current version covers Hibernate 2. I've just ordered Pro Hibernate 3 (Apress), as that is the only book I can find that covers Hibernate 3 functionality. I've found other Apress books (particularly Pro Spring) to be good investments. I'm certain that I will also pick up any updated version of HIA, if the authors write an update. For what it's worth, I reviewed the Apress Pro Hibernate 3 on Amazon.com. It is a really small book (242 pages, including the index), so it doesn't go into the depth that I was looking for on more advanced/new features of Hibernate 3. For those looking for an introduction to Hibernate that absolutely need to learn Hibernate 3, this is the only option I know of out there. Personally, too much of the content was on stuff that existed in version 2 that I knew from the excellent HIA book.

  6. Hibernate in Action: Practical Object/Relational Mapping
    In modern applications, persistence is not merely a matter of an application saving and restoring its state. A persistence mechanism organizes and structures persistent data. It manages concurrent access to that data. It ensures integrity of the data. Most importantly, it provides a mechanism to sort, search and aggregate data. In many cases, a relational database is the lowest common denominator in an heterogenous software environment. Object-oriented development is most powerful when entities in the business domain are modelled using purely object-oriented notions like inheritence, polymorphism, encapsulation and association. Unfortunately, the SQL-based relational databases found in almost all enterprise environments do not properly support these modelling techniques. Hence, many applications implement two different models of the some business entities. Transformations between the Java object model and the persistent relational model are often complex, tedious and costly to implement. 

  7. Manning Hibernate in Action
    Hibernate practically exploded on the Java scene. Because it automates a tedious task: persisting your Java objects to a relational database. The inevitable mismatch between your object-oriented code and the relational database requires you to write code that maps one to the other. This code is often complex, tedious and costly to develop. Hibernate does the mapping for you. Not only that, Hibernate makes it easy. Positioned as a layer between your application and your database, Hibernate takes care of loading and saving of objects. Hibernate applications are cheaper, more portable, and more resilient to change. And they perform better than anything you are likely to develop yourself. Hibernate in Action carefully explains the concepts you need, then gets you going. It builds on a single example to show you how to use Hibernate in practice, how to deal with concurrency and transactions, how to efficiently retrieve objects and use caching.

  8. Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook
    Database experts may enjoy fiddling with SQL, but you don't have to--the rest of the application is the fun part. And even database experts dread the tedious plumbing and typographical spaghetti needed to put their SQL into a Java program. Hibernate: A Developers Notebook shows you how to use Hibernate to automate persistence: you write natural Java objects and some simple configuration files, and Hibernate automates all the interaction between your objects and the database. You don't even need to know the database is there, and you can change from one database to another simply by changing a few statements in a configuration file. 
    Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook walks you through the ins and outs of using Hibernate, from installation and configuration, to complex associations and composite types. 

  9. Working with Hibernate in Eclipse
    I recently started using Eclipse as my development environment, in part because of its support for the many platforms on which I develop, and in part because Eclipse is a great example of the power of an open, extensible environment in which people all around the world can contribute. I'm beginning to investigate the extensions people have come up with. For example, I use a little plugin called XMLBuddy to work with XML files, and it's very helpful. So I became curious about whether anyone had written plugins to work with Hibernate, since I've done so much of that recently in putting together the Developer's Notebook. It turns out there are several such efforts underway; in this article we will explore one of them--the Hibernate Synchronizer.

  10. Informit Safari Tech Book Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook 
    Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook shows you how to use Hibernate to automate persistence: you write natural Java objects and some simple configuration files, and Hibernate automates all the interaction between your objects and the database. You don't even need to know the database is there, and you can change from one database to another simply by changing a few statements in a configuration file. If you've needed to add a database backend to your application, don't put it off. It's much more fun than it used to be, and Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook shows you why.

  11. Barnes and Noble: Hibernate in Action
    Java objects and relational databases have never matched up well: Ask any programmer who?s had to bridge them. Hibernate handles those bridging tasks seamlessly, so you can build better enterprise database applications, with far less hassle. Now Hibernate?s founder and a member of the core development team give you an insider?s tour-complete with a start-to-finish case study. Christian Bauer and Gavin King thoroughly explain Hibernate?s ?object/relational mapping? approach. You?ll learn to map persistent classes; work with persistent objects; use transactions, concurrency, and caching. You?ll find best practices for Hibernate design and development; even coverage of advanced tools like Middlegen - indispensable for working with ?untouchable? legacy database schema. Hibernate?s the most useful enterprise Java technology to arrive in years. With this book, you?ll own it. Bill Camarda

  12. Professional Hibernate
    This book is written for professional Java developers who already understand how to build server-side Java applications. The book assumes no previous experience with Hibernate, though readers should have a general familiarity with databases and Web development. They show how to do the following: 
    *Obtain and install Hibernate 
    *Build the Hibernate development environment 
    *Use Hibernate to connect to databases 
    *Use Hibernate to create persistent classes and objects 
    *Use the Hibernate database query language and transaction management functions 
    *Use the Hibernate APIs 

  13. Struts Hibernate Integration Tutorial
    Struts is a very popular Webframework. It helps you developing web applications. It offers functionalities like form input validation on client and on the server, error handling, advanced tag libraries for the JSP, central workflow management, internationalisation and many more. It helps to develop multi-tier web applications Explanation, what is helpful when you develop web applications and how you can easily map these requirements with struts. We want to provide you a understandable explanation for the Model-View-
    Controller Pattern.

  14. Hibernate not mach a Action
    This is a well rounded guide that gets right to the point and serves its purpose well. With easily referenced material/subjects (that goes into even more detail when needed), you will likely find everything you'll need using in this one book, without the need for a 'bible' with a lot of discussions that are ultimately irrelevant to the information you seek. A definite for a beginner, and a good reminder or reference on some subjects you may not have touched on over the years for those with experience. And, for the size, this book has a lot and touches on many topics. Well formatted and easy to follow. Recommended. 

  15. Thread: Manning's Hibernate in Action
    Hibernate in Action has been one of Manning's best selling titles. It was written by the two members of the core Hibernate
    development team, Christian Bauer and Gavin King. ?We're pleased at the recognition this book has received, not only because it's a great book about a great technology,? said Manning?s publisher, Marjan Bace, ?but because it was an especially complicated manuscript to produce and we are delighted with the final result. Hibernate in Action has received much recognition from the media as the Hibernate book in the market.

  16. Hibernate 3.0
    Hibernate is a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and the Java collections framework. Hibernate allows you to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with Java-based Criteria and Example objects. Unlike many other persistence solutions, Hibernate does not hide the power of SQL or JDBC from you and guarantees that your investment in relational technology and knowledge is as valid as always.

  17. Hibernate GroupBlog
    Recently, Simon Brown put together a set of requirements for a very simple blogger application that could be used to compare Java web frameworks. I have my reservations about the actual requirememts he put together (in particular, there is no form submission!) but since some other framework authors have bitten, I've gone ahead and ported the example to Seam. I want to put a massive caveat around this post: Seam is absolutely not designed for applications like blogs or web forums; these kind of problems are very easy to solve using something like PHP or Ruby on Rails and there is no really good reason to use Java for a problem like this (unless Java is all you know). We have a set of requirements here with no conversations and no business processes, so all the sophisticated state management machinery of Seam is redundant. 

  18. Bookpool: Hibernate in Action
    In the past five years, broad adoption of the Java programming language has brought about the ascendancy of the object-oriented paradigm for software development. Developers are now sold on the benefits of object orientation. However, the vast majority of businesses are also tied to long-term investments in expensive relational database systems. Not only are particular vendor products entrenched, but existing legacy data must be made available to (and via) the shiny new object-oriented web applications. However, the tabular representation of data in a relational system is fundamentally different than the networks of objects used in object-oriented Java applications. This difference has led to the so-called object/relational paradigm mismatch. Traditionally, the importance and cost of this mismatch have been underestimated, and tools for solving the mismatch have been insufficient. Meanwhile, Java developers blame relational technology for the mismatch; data professionals blame object technology.

  19. Using Hibernate with NetBeans4.1 and SJSAS 8.1
    Hibernate is a popular open source object/relational mapping tool. It provides easy means for mapping from Java classes to database tables. Using Hibernate can considerably reduce development and maintenance of JDBC related Java code. Test driven development with Hibernate is quite simple irrespective of the database you use. Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Platform Edition(SJSAS 8.1) provides enterprise features and free for production use. The administration console makes configuration of JDBC resources very easy. This tutorial demonstrates how to use Test Driven Development using Hibernate and NetBeans 4.1 and deploy it in the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1.

  20. Using Spring with JDO and Hibernate
    In an earlier excerpt from Spring: A Developer's Notebook, authors Bruce Tate and Justin Gehtland kicked off their discussion of object-relational (OR) persistence with a look at iBATIS. While compelling for some, this option requires serious involvement with SQL. they move on to frameworks that more thoroughly isolate your Spring app from SQL. Java Data Objects (JDO) is an interface-based standard for persistence or, as Tate and Gehtland say, "the non-EJB standard for persistence in Java applications." Setting aside the controversies that once swirled over JDO, they look at how to bring a top implementation, Kodo, to bear on your Spring application. They then move on to the most popular of the OR frameworks, and perhaps the best integrated with Spring: Hibernate. As they point out, "though it's nonstandard, you could say that behind EJB, Hibernate is the most popular persistence framework in the world."