Struts Books
Professional Struts Books
book covers everything you need to know about Struts and its supporting technologies, including JSPs, servlets, Web applications, the Jakarta-Tomcat JSP/servlet container, and much more. Here are just a few of the things you'll find in this book:
The Jakarta Struts Model 2 architecture and its supporting components
How to get started with Struts and build your own components
How to work with the Commons Validator, ActionForms, and DynaActionForms
Techniques for customizing the Controlle
Ways to maximize your presentation pages with Tiles
How to internationalize your Struts applications
Tips for managing errors and debugging Struts applications
Struts Books
Struts is an open-source framework that integrates with standard Java technologies and lets developers build web applications quickly and effectively. In much the same way that Java has overtaken C++, Struts is well poised to become the framework for web application development because of its ability to address the types of issues engineers face when building large-scale web applications. The Struts Framework: Practical Guide for Java Programmers meets the needs of this large audience-estimated today at 2.5 million Java programmers and growing. It provides the systematic exploration required by newcomers as well as the step-by-step instruction for more experienced readers eager to exploit Struts to the fullest.
Free Struts Books
The Apache Struts web application framework is a flexible control layer based on standard technologies like Java Servlets, Java Beans, Resource Bundles, and XML, as well as various Jakarta Commons packages. Struts encourages application architectures based on the Model 2 approach, a variation of the classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. Want to learn Struts and want get started really quickly? Get Jakarta Struts Live for free, written by Rick Hightower. By the way, there are many more interesting books on the serverside site.
Learning Jakarta Struts
Jakarta Struts is an Open Source Java framework for developing web applications. By cleanly separating logic and presentation, Struts makes applications more manageable and maintainable. Since its donation to the Apache Foundation in 2001, Struts has been rapidly accepted as the leading Java web application framework, and community support and development is well established. Struts-based web sites are built from the ground up to be easily modifiable and maintainable, and internationalization and flexibility of design are deeply rooted. Struts uses the Model-View-Controller design pattern to enforce a strict separation between processing logic and presentation logic, and enables efficient object re-use.
New Book on Struts
Object Source Publications has published a new book on Struts - Struts Survival Guide. It covers tips and strategies for applying Struts to J2EE projects and generally accepted best practices as well as basics. Highlights include: Coverage of Struts Tags (including editable lists with Struts and Paging frameworks), robust exception handling mechanisms for Struts applications, and scenarios where extending Struts is helpful (source code included).
Demystifying Apache Struts
This free tutorial is an attempt to answer these questions. It is not an exhaustive reference on Apache Struts. Far from it. Instead, it is intended as a Struts Quick Start Guide to get you going. Once you are rolling, you can get more details from the Jakarta Struts documentation or one of the various Struts books. Also, this tutorial is not meant to be an evangelistic "Why everyone should use Struts and why MVC is impossible without it" manifesto. On the contrary, I don't think that all projects should use Struts, and it is quite easy to implement the MVC architecture using the standard Request Dispatcher. In fact, some Struts aficionados feel that I exagerate the negatives of Struts in the next section. I like Struts, and think it should be used on many (but not all) projects. Still, it is better to start a project with a realistic feel for both the advantages and the disadvantages than to be disappointed when the reality does not live up to the expectations.
Programming Jakarta Struts
As popular as the Struts Framework for building web applications with Servlets and JSPs is becoming, the online documentation is inadequate, focusing on the most basic functionality and leaving out information crucial to developers writing today's complex web applications. O'Reilly's Programming Jakarta Struts was written by Chuck Cavaness after his internet company decided to adopt the framework, then spent months really figuring out how to use it to its fullest potential. He calls the books, "the culmination of lessons learned (the hard way) while building our application." Readers will benefit from the real-world, "this is how to do it" approach Cavaness takes to developing complex enterprise applications using Struts, and his focus on the 1.1 version of the Framework makes this the most up-to-date book available.
Pro Jakarta Struts -2nd Edition
Pro Jakarta Struts, Second Edition maps out how to use the Jakarta Struts framework, so you can solve everyday web application development challenges. This book takes an application-centric approach: the development of an application drives the Struts coverage-not the other way around. Improper design can lead to long term dependencies on the Struts framework, which makes code re-use difficult to achieve. But the authors helpfully discuss Struts from an anti-pattern perspective. The end result: you will learn to use Struts very effectively.John Carnell is a principal architect for NetChange, LLC, an IT management consulting firm specializing in enterprise application design and implementation. John is also an adjunct facility member of the Waukesha County Technical College's (WCTC's) School of Business.
Struts Applications Project
The Struts Applications Project currently consists of the following sub- projects:
AppFuse - A baseline Struts application to be used for future web applications
Polls - A survey-management Struts application
Struts Action Invocation Framework (SAIF) - Adds features like Action interceptors and Inversion of Control (IoC) to Struts.
Struts BSF - A Struts Action implementation that uses BSF-compatible scripting languages.
Struts Cocoon - Integrates Struts and Cocoon, using Cocoon for the presentation layer
Struts Dialogs - Implements event handling paradigm, state management, provides simplified control flow and facilitates component development.
Professional Jakarta Struts
The Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta Struts remains the most popular Java framework for building enterprise-level Web applications. In the first book to cover the extensive new features of the final release of Struts 1.1, The authors present the technical and conceptual information you need to design, build, and deploy sophisticated Struts 1.1 applications. You will find thorough coverage of both the Struts Model 2 architecture and the process for building model, view, and controller components. You ll learn to use critical features like Tiles, the Validator, DynaActionForms, plug-ins, security, and internationalization. And you ll discover updated and expanded code examples that not only work with the final production release of Struts 1.1, but also demonstrate best programming practices and powerful development techniques.
Jakarta Struts Pocket Reference
Web tier frameworks have soared in popularity over the past year or so due to the increasing complexity of Java itself, and the need to get more work done with fewer resources. Developers who used to spend hours and hours writing low-level features can use a well-written framework to build the presentation tier so they start coding the "good stuff" sooner-the business logic at the core of the program. The Jakarta Struts Framework is one of the most popular presentation frameworks for building web applications with Java Servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP) technologies.
Struts Survival Guide
The Jakarta Struts framework is undoubtedly the most popular MVC framework for developing web applications in J2EE. A lot of books have emerged to satisfy the appetite of avid Struts reader including the two famous books from O'Reilly and Manning Publications. Struts Survival Guide: Basics to Best Practices (SSG) is a new addition to the already growing list of Struts books. SSG is from a new comer in the publishing business - Object Source Publications." There are two aspects to any framework: the first aspect is the features of the framework itself; the second aspect is how easy it is to use them effectively. This book does justice to both aspects of Struts. It covers enough framework features to justify its title, starting from bare bones and then slowly guiding you to more advanced topics. In addition, there are chapters dedicated to dealing with variety of scenarios in web applications where Struts can be used to solve the problems effectively.
Struts Kick Start
Learn to build applications with Jakarta Struts, the most popular JSP development framework. Struts Kick Start is a "hands-on" book filled with sample applications and code snippets you can reuse, and in-depth coverage of new features in Struts 1.1. If you are looking for a practical book that "shows you how to do it", then Struts Kick Start is for you. Plus, it's the first Struts book with detailed examples of the major Struts tags. The book begins with a discussion of Struts and its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. The authors' then demonstrate Struts' power through the development of a non-trivial sample application - covering all the Struts components in a "how to use them" approach. You'll also see the Struts Tag Library in action - use tags for HTML, javabeans, logical operations and more.
Beginning Apache Struts
Beginning Apache Struts will provide you a working knowledge of Apache Struts 1.2. This book is ideal for you Java programmers who have some JSP familiarity, but little or no prior experience with Servlet technology. Organized in a condensed tutorial and lab format, the material in this book has been tested in real classroom environments. It takes a step-by-step, hands-on approach to teaching you Struts. The book even previews the next generation of Struts, the Apache Shale. The overall result is that you can quickly apply Struts to your work settings with confidence.
Struts Central
Beginning Apache Struts will provide you a working knowledge of Apache Struts 1.2. This book is ideal for you Java programmers who have some JSP familiarity, but little or no prior experience with Servlet technology. This book is designed as a rapid and effective Struts tutorial for Java developers. The book builds a fully-featured web bookstore application incrementally, with each stage described step-by-step. Concepts are introduced simply and clearly as the design and implementation of this sample project evolves. The emphasis is on rapid learning through clear and well structured examples.
Java Reference Struts
For developers and architects with real Struts work to do, this guide offers a broad collection of practical solutions-complete with detailed code listings-that will save you time and money. Each recipe clearly defines the problem it solves, gives you the background you need, and discusses the practical implications of adopting the solution. Many recipes point out little-known "gotchas," which will save you from needless grief. This book introduces you to Struts best practices so you can make your applications secure, robust and maintainable. Techniques presented in this book have gone through the trial by fire of real-life enterprise development and deployment-you can rely on them with confidence.
Programming Jakarta Struts, Second Edition
While the look and feel of an enterprise web application is certainly important, developers usually find themselves spending far too much time on the front-end presentation before they can get to coding the good stuff--the business logic at the heart of the program. Jakarta Struts addresses this issue by combining Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), custom tags, and messaging resources (like Java Message Service) into a unified, re-usable framework. The result is a cooperative, synergistic platform that's efficient and suitable for independent developers, large development teams, and everyone in between. The Struts Framework has become a highly popular open source project, but there's still woefully little documentation on the technology. What does exist is far too basic and lacks critical information for developers like you writing today's complex web applications.
Programming Jakarta Struts Book
The target for the book is any experienced Java developer who is interested in Struts but has little or no experience with Struts. The book starts with an explanation of why Struts is a "good thing" and shows how Struts fits into a web architecture. The author then gives an explanation of each of the pieces of the Struts architecture and demonstrates a simple application. Although the explanations were clear, I felt that the author was making the architecture overly complicated by explaining things out of order. A diagram showing the interrelationships of the different Struts classes and config files would have been helpful. The author covers all the expected topics such as internationalization, exception handling, logging, and the Struts tag libraries.
Informit Safari Tech Books Online - Programming Jakarta Struts
As popular as the Struts Framework for building web applications with Servlets and JSPs is becoming, the online documentation is inadequate, focusing on the most basic functionality and leaving out information crucial to developers writing today's complex web applications. O'Reilly's Programming Jakarta Struts was written by Chuck Cavaness after his internet company decided to adopt the framework, then spent months really figuring out how to use it to its fullest potential. He calls the books, "the culmination of lessons learned (the hard way) while building our application." Readers will benefit from the real-world, "this is how to do it" approach Cavaness takes to developing complex enterprise applications using Struts, and his focus on the 1.1 version of the Framework makes this the most up-to-date book available.
Jakarta Struts Pocket Reference
Covers all of the bare bones and some of the guts of the topic in 125 pages. Not for complete beginners, but if youve read the limited docs on the web then this is the next step. Covers web and config xml in just enough detail, explains, form beans, beans in general, actions validation. The tag reference is 70/125 pages which makes sense as this so important to a struts app. Does justice to the html and logic tags. Great size for the desk or train. More books should be in this cut down format - it stops the authors rambling and gets to the point. for USD-10 you cant go wrong. Well edited - no mistakes. I got this with another (not as good but bigger) struts book and the two complement quite well. Go for it.
Struts Layout Books
This book is for developers and architects with real Struts work to do. It offers a broad collection of practical solutions complete with detailed code listings that will save you time and money. Each recipe clearly defines the problem it solves, gives you the background you need, and discusses the practical implications of adopting the solution. Many recipes point out little-known "gotchas" which will save you from needless grief. This book introduces you to Struts best practices so you can make your applications secure, robust, and maintainable. Techniques presented in this book have gone through the trial by fire of real-life enterprise development and deployment you can rely on them with confidence.
Struts in Action
Struts solves the most common problems of web development. By basing your application on the Struts web application framework, you can reuse proven solutions and focus on what's unique to your own case. Struts is an open-source product distributed by the Apache Software Foundation. Struts in Action is a comprehensive introduction to the Struts framework. It covers initial design, data validation, database access, dynamic page assembly, localization, product configuration, and other important areas. It shows you how to use both JSP tags and Velocity templates. It carefully explains the Struts architecture and control flow, as well as how to extend framework classes. Differences between Struts 1.1 and Struts 1.0. are pointed out and a case-study illustrates the 1.0 to 1.1 transition. The book shows you dozens of proven design techniques, patterns, and strategies, many of them not found elsewhere. By providing you with practical examples of realistic uses of Struts this book helps you learn through action.
Java Books Struts in Action
While many Struts applications are written to use the Struts Validator from the get-go, most start out using their own routines before moving to the Validator. In this section, we walk through migrating a simple Action Form validate method to its Struts Validator counterpart. The point of the exercise is not the example validate method, which is trivial, but the process of moving the method to the Struts Validator. If you haven't done so, the first step is to install the Validator package and load the Validator servlet through your application's deployment descriptor. (The Validator servlet is just a resource loader and so does not conflict with the Tiles servlet.) Then, test your application to be sure all is well by clicking through a few pages.
Struts Professional Bookstore
Awaken your Java programming skills by learning to apply the Struts framework. Get a fresh approach to learning Struts with a book that gives you a hands-on approach and step-by-step examples that successfully illustrate each topic. Follow along and create Web and Struts applications. Master view, model, and controller creation, and learn the Struts HTML, bean, and logic tags. Type or download program-ready examples to build and deploy a wide range of Struts applications.
Jakarta Pitfalls: Time-Saving Solutions for Struts
Ideal intermediate-level book for programmers to turn to once they have read the introductory books. Identifies what can go wrong and provides refactored solutions for each pitfall complete with code. All of the pitfalls are cross-referenced within the text as well as outlined in a summary table in the back of the book. Includes background information and troubleshooting tips so programmers can avoid other errors that may also occur. The Web site contains all of the refactored code solutions and links to appropriate tool downloads.
Programming Jakarta Struts: Using Tiles
In part 1 in this series of book excerpts on using tiles from Programming Jakarta Struts, learn how to use tiles, and gain an understanding of templates. Up to this point, not much has been said about how to organize and assemble the content and layout of JSP pages for a Struts application. In many ways, that is outside the scope of the topic of Struts. Many excellent books are available that provide strategies for organizing web content and the layout of pages. In the Storefront application, we have used two different approaches to assembling web pages. The first approach, sometimes referred to as a straight JSP-based approach, is probably the most familiar to web designers.
Learn Jakarta Struts 1.2
Packt Publishing has recently announced a new book ?Learning Jakarta Struts 1.2? designed to give readers a rapid and effective Struts tutorial for Java developers. Released in September 2005, the book builds a fully-featured web bookstore application incrementally, with each stage described step-by-step. Jakarta Struts is an Open Source Java framework for developing web applications. By cleanly separating logic and presentation, Struts makes applications more manageable and maintainable. Since its donation to the Apache Foundation in 2001, Struts has been rapidly accepted as the leading Java web application framework and community support and development is well established. Struts-based web sites are built from the ground up to be easily modifiable and maintainable, and internationalization and flexibility of design are deeply rooted. Struts uses the Model-View-Controller design pattern to enforce a strict separation between processing logic and presentation logic, and enables efficient object re-use.
The Jakarta Struts Frameworks
The open source Jakarta Struts framework is an immensely popular framework for building Web applications built around the Java 2 Enterprise Edition suite of technologies. Based on the Model-View-Controller pattern, Struts speeds up and simplifies development, letting you focus on business logic rather than infrastructure. Linux Magazine presents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-
PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutions-oriented information.
Mastering Jakarta Struts
Jakarta Struts Project provides an open source framework for creating Web applications that leverage both the Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages technologies. Struts has received developer support and is quickly becoming a dominant actor in the open source community.
James Goodwill is a well-respected authority and bestselling author of books on Java Web applications
Provides a hands-on, code-intensive tutorial on building Java Web applications using the Jakarta Struts Framework
Companion Web site provides electronic versions of all code examples in the book
Jakarta Struts
Easy-to-follow coverage of twelve indispensable Jakarta Commons packages. Code examples that show innovative uses of Commons components, including using HttpClient to access Web resources, FileUpload for handling HTTP file uploads, and BeanUtils for easy form generation. Detailed instructions for combining the Commons project libraries with the popular Eclipse IDE Save time and money with reusable open source Java? components. Master the Jakarta Commons Library of Open Source JavaTM Components. Using the Apache Jakarta Commons reusable Java? components, you can leverage the work of the global open-source community to solve common programming problems reliably, quickly, and inexpensively. But, to use the Commons libraries effectively, you need far more guidance than the official documentation offers. In Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java? Components, Will Iverson covers what Java developers need to know to take full advantage of Jakarta Commons-starting right now.
Introduction to Struts
Welcome to the first in a series of articles on Jakarta Struts (or simply, "Struts"), the Java/JSP-based framework for building Web-based applications. While later articles will get deep into the technology behind Struts, this first article provides an introduction to Struts and evaluates the case for using it. It tries to cut through the technology and put its finger on the "value add" that Struts provides. Struts is an application development framework that is designed for and used with the popular J2EE (Java 2, Enterprise Edition) platform. It cuts time out of the development process and makes developers more productive by providing them a series of tools and components to build applications with. It is non-proprietary and works with virtually any J2EE-compliant application server. Struts falls under the Jakarta subproject of the Apache Software Foundation and comes with an Open Source license.
Jakarta-Struts Live
Jakarta Struts Live contains thorough coverage of both the Struts MVC architecture and building each of the Struts components of this architecture. You'll learn to use vital features like Tiles, the Validator, DynaActionForms, plug-ins, and internationalization. You also look at how you can leverage other open-source technologies to improve your Struts development process and experiences.
Getting Started with Struts. Testing Struts Applications. ActionForms and DynaActionForms. The Validator Framework. The Model
-View-Controller Architecture. The Struts Tag Library. Using Tiles. The JSTL and Struts. Internationalization (I18N). Extending Struts .
Struts: The Complete Reference
This book is appropriate if you need more than just cursory or introductory information on Struts. In addition to being a detailed tutorial and reference for those new to Struts, the book provides coverage of many advanced topics such as security and testing. A reader should have some exposure to JSP, Servlets, and Model-View-Controller (MVC) concepts. Designed mainly for medium-
to-large Web applications, Struts provides a set of reusable classes that represent the view and controller tiers of a Model-View-
Controller architecture. Struts also provides a set of tag libraries that simplify programming JSP pages (the view). James Holmes does a great job of providing a comprehensive Struts reference.
The best Books on Struts
This is one of those books that just gets worn out. I'm always reaching for it, looking for that esoteric command or tag that I know exists, and I know what it does - but can't be sure of the syntax or exact name. This book is indespensable. It starts with a brief introduction to Struts in the front of the book, and then divides the rest of the book around the separate tag libraries, those being BEAN, HTML, LOGIC, NESTED, and TILES. My only suggestion to improve this book would be to release an updated version, perhaps with the JSTL tags included as well, and the duplicate tags inside the Struts tag library removed.
First Steps with Jakarta Struts
Many good books on the framework are now available, and the online documentation is quite mature for an open-source project; in spite of this, I have often had to refer to a wide variety of resources in order to build a good understanding of Struts. And there are still some areas in which the documentation is sparse. However, this article isn't an attempt to provide a definitive source of documentation. Rather, it's intended to allow Struts newcomers to hit the ground running, to get a feel for what the framework is like, and understand what it can and can't do. Of the Struts example applications I've seen, most have been either too trivial or too complex, the complex ones having lots of external dependencies that must be resolved before the example can even be compiled and run.