JavaScript is a scripting programming language that is used to make desktop widgets, applications, dynamic websites, PDF documents, developing game, etc. All web browsers support JavaScript.
JavaScript is a programming language that was once only used for interaction between client and user, control the browser but now it is also used to develop game and creating desktop applications.
This scripting language was developed by Netscape in 1995. Scripting language is a lighter version of programming language that is used to make the HTML page more interactive. JavaScript can only run inside a web browser.
If you are making a carrier in web designing, you must learn JavaScript as it goes hand in hand with XML and PHP. Quiz, polls, etc that is present in the website to attract user and interact with them and engage them for a long time, all works on JavaScript.
Every person has used the java script. All browsers have support for JavaScript as many websites need it to run. A pop-up to update JavaScript appears whenever there is a need of one.
JavaScript is very different from java language though many people confuse the two being same. Programmers write the instructions in English rather than in numeric. It is simple to write codes in JavaScript as much of the coding is already available plus there is no need of any additional software and the code can be simply written on Notepad.
JavaScript language is used to make a webpage more dynamic and can be used again and again on different webpages of a website just by adding tags. This language has First Class Function functionality in it.
First Class Functions support function passing as argument to other functions, returns them as a value of other functions, and stores them as a data structure. Desktop widgets and PDF documents are also created using JavaScript.
JavaScript is easy to learn in comparison to other programming languages. JavaScript makes a webpage more interactive and engage users to the webpage. Most of the websites today use it and hence all the web browsers come equipped with JavaScript. It is considered better than HTML in web designing because HTML is static.
Webpage reacts to a user click, mouse movement, etc. A pop-up can appear, drop down menu can be shown, sound can be played, etc using JavaScript. By client-side programming it means that the code is sent to a computer and a web browser reads the code and runs it. JavaScript can be turned off in a Web browser by the user.