Find the Host name in reverse of given IP address

In this section you will learn to retrieve the information about the local host name using the getHostName() method.

Find the Host name in reverse of given IP address

In this section you will learn to retrieve the information about the local host name using the getHostName() method.

Find the Host name in reverse of given IP address

Find the Host name in reverse of given IP address


In this section you will learn to retrieve the information about the local host name using the getHostName() method. Here is an example that provides the usage of the getHostName() method in more detail.

Create a class "IPReverse". Call the InetAddress class and create a class object and pass the IP address in InetAddress.getByName() method. Now retrieve the Host name of the IP address what we are pass in getByName() method using the getHostName() method.

Here is the Code of the Example :


public class IPReverseTest {
  public static void main (String[] args) {
  try {
  InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName("");
  catch (Exception ex) {
  System.err.println("does not fine hostname");

The above example shows the host name of the IP address what ever we pass in the getByName() method. The output of the above example is as under, where the hostname shows as TEST1.

Here is the Output of the Example :


C:\roseindia>java IPReverseTest

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