Print the URL of a URLConnection

In this section we are going to describe, how to retieve the value of the URL assign to the url object.

Print the URL of a URLConnection

In this section we are going to describe, how to retieve the value of the URL assign to the url object.

Print the URL of a URLConnection

Print the URL of a URLConnection


In this section we are going to describe, how to retieve the value of the URL assign to the url object. Here is the complete code of the program in which first of all we establish a connection then display it. In the example we open the connection by using the openConnection() method. After that we use the getURL() which returns the value of this URLConnection's URL field to display the assign URL. 

Here is the Output of the Example :


public class printURLConnection {
  public static void main(String args[]) {

  URL url;
  URLConnection uc;

  try {
  url = new URL("");
  try {
  uc = url.openConnection();
  catch (IOException exp) {
  catch (MalformedURLException exp) {

Here is the Output of the Example :


C:\roseindia>java printURLConnection

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