Open a URLConnection to specific website address

Here we are going to establish a connection to a specific web address via a complete example.

Open a URLConnection to specific website address

Here we are going to establish a connection to a specific web address via a complete example.

Open a URLConnection to specific website address

Open a URLConnection to specific website address


Here we are going to establish a connection to a specific web address via a complete example. In the example we create a class getURLConnection and initialize a variable of url to URL and ucon of URLConnection. After that we put the try and catch block and assign a URL("") to url. After that again in try block we call a method url.openConnection() and display it. 

Here is the Code of the Example :


public class getURLConnection {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
  URL url;
  URLConnection ucon;
  try {
  url = new URL("");
  try {
  ucon = url.openConnection();
  catch (IOException exp) {
  catch (MalformedURLException exp) {

Here is the Output of the Example :


C:\roseindia>java getURLConnection

Download of this example.