Java error reading from file

Java error reading file are the common error occurred in java that when the user encounter a corrupt file and show a message to the user reason for the failure.

Java error reading from file

Java error reading from file


Java error reading file are the common error occurred  in java that when the user encounter a corrupt file and show a message to the user reason for the failure.

Understand with Example

In this Tutorial we help you in understanding a n example from Java error reading from file. For this we have a class error reading from file. Inside the main method we have a try block that create an instance  of errorreadingfromfile.

1).readfile ( ) -This method is used to read a file.

Try block subsequently followed by a catch block that is used to catch exception

We have  a readline method that include try block declares a variable String  name text is initialized with null.

1)Fileinputstream-The Fileinputstream is used to decode the byte  and convert it into character type.

2)Bufferedinput stream-The Bufferedinputstream is used to read the character from the given text file.

3)Datainputstream   -The Datainputstream allow the application to read from primitive data type from underlying input stream.

4)close ( )  -This close the filestream.

While evaluate the text, if it is not null, The System.out.println print the text, Otherewise,it move to the catch block to show user defined message" An error occur while reading file".


public class errorreadingfromfile {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            errorreadingfromfile f = new errorreadingfromfile();
        } catch (Exception e) {

    void readfile() {
        try {
            String text = null;
            File file = new File("/home/girish/Desktop/g.txt");
            FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
            BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = new 
            BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream);             DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bufferedInputStream);
            while ((text = dis.readLine()) != null) {

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("An Error occurs while reading file");


Compiling source file to /home/girish/NetBeansProjects/errors/build/classes
Note: /home/girish/NetBeansProjects/errors/src/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.

Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
An Error occurs while reading file
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: seconds)

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