Java Get Month

In the previous Java examples, we have discussed about date functions and how to get the current date and time.

Java Get Month

In the previous Java examples, we have discussed about date functions and how to get the current date and time.

Java Get Month

Java Get Month


In the previous Java examples, we have discussed about date functions and how to get the current date and time. But in this example, we are going to show the current month of the existing year. This Java get month example is simply going to print the current month name like January, February etc..

For this purpose we have import the java.util.Calendar package in our program. 



Syntax for Getting the current month in Java

import java.util.Calendar;
public class GetMonth
  public static void main(String[] args)
  String[] months = {"January""February",
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); 
  String month = months[cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)];
  System.out.println("Month name: " + month);

Output will be displayed as:

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