Get Class Name

In the example given below we will learn how to get name of the particular class with package name. getName() method returns fully qualified name of the particular class in string format.

Get Class Name

In the example given below we will learn how to get name of the particular class with package name. getName() method returns fully qualified name of the particular class in string format.

Get Class Name

Get Class Name


In the example given below we will learn how to get name of the particular class with package name. getName() method returns fully qualified name of the particular class in string format.




Here is the code:

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class GetClassName {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  Class cl = String.class;
  System.out.println("Class Name: " + cl.getName());

  cl = Object.class;
  System.out.println("Class Name: " + cl.getName());

  cl = Calendar.class;
  System.out.println("Class Name: " + cl.getName());
  cl = BigDecimal.class;
  System.out.println("Class Name: " + cl.getName());


Output will be displayed as:


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