Java error missing return statement are those error in Java that occurred when a programmer forget to write a return statement inside the conditional clauses. method with a non-void return provides you an object of the specific type.
Java error missing return statement
Java error missing return statement are those error in Java that occurred when a programmer forget to write a return statement inside the conditional clauses. method with a non-void return provides you an object of the specific type.
Understand with Example
In this Example we want to describe you a code that explain you in understanding Java error missing return object. For this we have taken a non void method 'operation( )'that return you an int type and this method include a for loop clause that check the condition If there is anything other than void method, then you must specify the return type in it. The given below code is missing a return statement in the non-void method so, whenever the compiler execute the code the code returns a missing return statement error.
There are two way to resolve this problem-
1)Change the non-void method to a void method.
2)Add or write a return expression to the non-void method.
public class Missingreturnstatement { public int operation(int num) { for (int i = 0; i <= num; i++) { System.out.println(i); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Missingreturnstatement m = new Missingreturnstatement(); m.operation(7); } } |
Compiling 1 source file to /home/girish/NetBeansProjects/errors/build/classes /home/girish/NetBeansProjects/errors/src/ missing return statement
} |
To resolve this error you have to give the return statement as return num;
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