As we come across Built -in-exception, you create own customized exception as per requirements of the application.
User Defined Exception
As we come across Built -in-exception, you create own customized exception as per requirements of the application. On each application there is a specific constraints. For Example, In case of Air Flight Booking, a passenger must specify the source ,destination place and age. Passenger must brings a ticket who is above the age of 3 years. Similarly in the case of a banking application, A Customer whose age is less than Eighteen need to open Joint account.Thus,Error-handling become necessary while developing a constraint application The Exception class and its subclass in java is not able to meet up the required constraint in application. For this, you create your own customized Exception to over address these constraints and ensure the integrity in the application.
How to Handle and create User-defined Exception
The keywords used in java application are try, catch and finally are used in implementing used-defined exceptions. This Exception class inherits all the method from Throwable class.
List of Method defined by Throwable Class
Methods | Explanation |
String toString( ) | Gives you a String object and description of the exception. This methods is called by the println ( ) method when an object of throwable is passed to it as argument. |
String getMessage( ) | Gives you the description of the exception in program |
Throwable fillInStackTrace( ) | Gives you aThrowable Object that contains a stack trace. |
void print StackTrace( ) | Gives you and print the stack trace |
void printStackTrace(PrintStream stream) | Return the stack trace to a specific defined stream |
String getLocalizedMessage | Return the Localized description of the exception |
Understand User-Defined Exceptions with Example-
In the given below code, the UseDefinedException,subclass of the Exception class is created. The UseDefinedException class has one constructor,i.e UseDefinedException( ).
The String toString( ) method returns you string containing the description
of the exception.The Test Class defines the method mm that throwan object of
UseDefinedException,The Exception is thrown when marks is less than 50.
Creating a UserDefined Exception
class UseDefinedException extends Exception{ String msg = ""; int marks; public UseDefinedException() ){ } if marks > 50)
msg = "You have Passed";
if( i < 50) } |
Output on the Command Prompt
C:\saurabh>javac C:\saurabh>java test my exYou have failed |