Enumeration is mean of retaining all the series of element at a time.
Example to show Enumeration exception in java
Enumeration is mean of retaining all the series of element at a time. An object implement interface generates a series of all element at single time. This is read only. We cannot change the value of an object or value in the collection.
Understand with Example
Array List<String> list = new Array List<String>():-
Create an Array list of type
list.add("girish"):-This is the method of adding an element to the list.
it.has next ( ) - This method return you the next value if the value is set in list.
The System show you an exception if there is no element specified in index[5].
To remove the exception from the program defined below you have to give the proper index in the method list.remove(5).
Output of the program
cannot remove this index elemnt |
Note:-To remove this exception you have to give
the proper index in the method list.remove(5).