List of Java Exception

Exception in Java are classified on the basis of the exception handled by the java compiler.

List of Java Exception

Exception in Java are classified on the basis of the exception handled by the java compiler.

List of Java Exception

List of Java Exception


Exception in Java are classified on the basis of  the exception handled by the java compiler. Java consists of the following type of built in exceptions:

1.Checked Exception:- These exception are the object of the Exception class or any  of its subclasses except Runtime Exception class. These condition arises due to invalid input, problem with your network connectivity and problem in is a checked exception. This exception is thrown when there is an error in input-output operation. In this case operation is normally terminated.



List of Checked Exceptions-

Following are the list of various checked exception that defined in the java. lang package.

   Exception    Reason for Exception
 ClassNotFoundException This Exception occurs when Java run-time system fail to find the specified class mentioned in the program
Instantiation Exception This Exception occurs when you create an object of an abstract class and interface
Illegal Access Exception This Exception occurs when you create an object of an abstract class and interface
Not Such Method Exception This Exception occurs when the method you call does not exist in class


2. Unchecked Exception:- These Exception arises during run-time ,that occur due to invalid argument passed to  method. The java Compiler does not check the program error during compilation. For Example when you divide a number by zero, run-time exception is raised.

  Exception     Reason for Exception
Arithmetic Exception These  Exception occurs, when you divide a number by zero causes an  Arithmetic Exception
Class Cast Exception These Exception occurs, when you try to assign a reference variable of a class to an incompatible reference variable of another class
Array Store Exception These Exception occurs, when you assign an array which is not compatible with the data type of that array
Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception These Exception occurs, when you assign an array which is not compatible with the data type of that array
Null Pointer Exception These Exception occurs, when you try to implement an application without referencing the object and allocating to a memory
Number Format Exception These Exception occurs, when you try to convert a string variable in an incorrect format  to integer (numeric format) that is not compatible  with each other
Negative ArraySizeException These are Exception, when you declare an array of negative size.