DOJO, DOJO 1.0.2 tutorial, DOJO Tutorial

DOJO, DOJO 1.0.2 tutorial, DOJO Tutorial

DOJO, DOJO 1.0.2 tutorial, DOJO Tutorial

Dojo 1.0.2 Tutorial


DOJO is Ajaxed based Java script toolkit for creating highly responsive rich internet applications. Dojo is an Open Source JavaScript toolkit used for creating dynamic UI for web applications which can interact with almost all server side scripting language such  as JSP, Servlets, ASP, .NET, PHP and CGI-Perl. These days most of programming framework such as Struts 2, JSF provides in-built support for Dojo libraries.

All the following examples are available online and the online demo are available here. 

  1. Dojo 1.0.2 Installation
    A quick guide to install Dojo 1.0.2 in your web application. In this section I will show you how you can download and add Dojo capability in your web application.
  2. Dojo Button Example
    In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a button using dojo toolkit. When user clicks on the button, JavaScript function is called which displays "Hello Dojo" message as alert.
  3. Adding image on button
    In this tutorial, you will learn how to add image on the button using dojo toolkit. When user clicks on the print button, JavaScript function is called which displays "You clicked on Print Button" message as alert.
  4. Dojo Checkbox 
    In this section, you will learn how to create a checkbox in dojo. For creating checkbox you require "dijit.form.CheckBox". The checkbox button do some action on press. 
  5. Dojo Radio Button 
    In this section, you will learn how to create radio buttons in dojo. For creating radio button you need "dijit.form.CheckBox". The radio button do some action on press. 
  6. Dojo Combo Box
    In this section, you will learn what is combo box and how to create a combo box in dojo. For creating the Combo box  you need "dijit.form.ComboBox"
  7. Dojo Auto completer Combo box 
    In this section, you will learn how to create a auto completer in dojo. The Auto Completer provides the front-end logic for text-entry suggestion and completion functionality. The features of the auto completer to control navigation of the suggestions container via up/down arrow keys and rich event model. 
  8. Dojo Inline Edit Box
    In this section, you will learn how to edit any data. The InlineEditBox provides the better facility for editing any data and save it. 
  9. Dojo Iinline Date Text Box
    In this section, you will learn about the dojo inline DateTextBox and how to create a inline DateTextBox and how to make its editable.
  10. Dojo NumberSpinner Button
    In this section, you will learn how to create a NumberSpinner button that increase and decrease the number. Sometime, if you want to directly put the specified range of data. 
  11. Dojo Slider
    In this section, you will learn about slider and how to create a slider in dojo.
  12. Dojo Stack Container
    In this section, you will learn about the Stack Container with example.
  13. Dojo TabContainer
    In this section, you will learn about the TabContainer and how to create its.
  14. Dojo Menu and Menu Item
    In this section, you will learn about the menu and how to create it in dojo. This is the widget models a context menu, otherwise known as a right-click or popup menu, and it appears in a ComboButton and DropDownButton widgets. 
  15. Dojo Dialog Box
    In this section, you will learn about the dialog box with tool tips and how to create it in dojo. Dialog box is a rectangular GUI box that either requests or provides information.
  16. Dojo Toolbar
    In this section, you will learn about the toolbar and how to create a toolbar in dojo.
  17. Dojo Progress Bar
    In this section, you will learn about the progress bar and how to create a progress bar in dojo.
  18. Dojo Tool tips
    In this section, you will learn about the tool tips and how to developed it in dojo. 
  19. Dojo Tree
    In this section, you will learn about the tree and how to create a tree in dojo.

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