We all have heard the distant tapping on the floor, we all knew that the old dad of computing is desperate to make a move in the tech world to address the new multitouch technology with its predominance in operating system for PCs. Yes, the wait for the Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft is finally over with its official launch on October 26. Windows 8 unlike all previous experiences on Windows operating platform is loaded with most advanced technology requirement for both new range of mobility devices and fusion products in fast changing computer hardware and like all previous versions of Windows operating system it has again shaped the quintessentially Microsoft experience of simplicity in computing.
Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft is all set to address all the relevant and emerging issues related to faster and secured computing experience and demands of new technology interface. Some of the already well known features and advantages of Windows 8 include faster booting time and low power ARM architecture to enhance battery life and saving time, better malware protection through the requirement of digital signature for enhanced security, most advanced interface that can truly compete with the android or iOS platform on mobile devices or fusion devices like tablets. The most important thing about this new operating system is that it offers a unified experience combining touch centric application for state of the art touch based devices like tablets and advanced keypad based operation in PCs or laptops for more rigorous business computing. For a long time Microsoft as one of the legendary giants of computing technology and software is trying to push the boundary between touch based interface and computing with a single operating system and Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft is the answer to that. Let us now summarize some of the distinct features and benefits of Windows 8.
The unified platform
While the mobility and tech giant like Apple has separate platforms as iOS and Mac OS for its mobile and computer devices, Microsoft probably is to be regarded as the only company to come with a comprehensive operating solution for both touch based mobile computing devices like tablets and PCs or laptops. With a single sign in Microsoft account you can access all your computer and mobility devices run on the Windows platform. When you log in your account it automatically connect you into the cloud and establishes common preferences between all windows based hardware devices. From now on your smartphones, tablets, PCs or laptops would remain connected sharing the common Windows based platform. Synchronizing between applications and devices with ease with single user account and set of preferences is sure to offer a great computing experience, thanks to Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft.
Pushing the Touch barrier
In the present decade touch became the buzzword for all new range of mobile devices including phones and computing devices and fusion devices with a smarter mobile computing experience like tablets. The world almost came under your finger with this array of new range of mobile computing and telephony devices like smartphones or tablets and now after touch it is gesture that is going to be the next frontier of user interface. A shake of hand can now let you browse through your photos on the screen, but still touch seems to be the last frontier for users until now. So when Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft came with its versatility of including touch with keypad based computing it opened new vistas for the users for whom quintessential Windows experience of simplified computing always mattered a lot.
Faster Booting Time
This feature has already earned Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft a wide applause from all users since this has many distinct benefits for the users in corporate or in personal use environment. This new feature which is technically called hybrid boot mode is loaded with the characteristic of hibernation of the Windows kernel on shutdown of the device consequently to speed up the subsequent boot faster than usual. Booting the device faster means so many things for the end user experience in different environments. With faster booting time you save your precious business hours, you ascertain a longer battery life and overall good experience on the power front of the device.
Better security
If you want to rate any operating system simply on the merit of its security measures then this operating system can easily be regarded as the best for its great array of features boosting the security aspects of the device. First of all the new inbuilt antivirus capabilities in integrated Windows Defender is already unmatched among the operating platforms and sure to provide great security to the computing and communication over the devices using this platform. Secondly, authentication process on the touch screen interface has some stylized options of making you recognized by the device such as picture password that needs few gestures of your finger touch. Just tracing a pattern on the face of your pet dog's picture or just tapping on the forehead of your loved one's photos you can log in to your account from different devices connected with the same user account. It is just not fun, but it's a great security experience. Thirdly Windows 8 is loaded with better malware protection at the time of booting because it needs digital signature unlike all previous Windows versions.
Higher integration with online services and functions
One of the most important aspects of Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft is that it is open to the online services and functionalities and can provide fast as well as easy access to them unlike all previous Windows platforms. There is a wide array of online services and functions integrated into this operating platform that provide easy and free flowing smooth applications with a single Microsoft user account. This operating platform also provides a virtual storage with SkyDrive cloud storage device that can give you distinct advantages of storing your files in a separate place while saving storage place in the device.
Tile based user Interface
Touch based user interface in the tablets or touch based computing or mobility devices has changed our basic computing experience to a great extent and this irreplaceable new aspect is addressed by the Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft. The tiles on the screen denoting different applications for mail, instant messaging, store, weather, desktop, peoples and screen touch tiles waiting for your finger to go to your desired location or service, made Windows stand at par with the other smart phone or tablet device operating platforms. Even you can be confident of your Windows to have an edge over other operating systems because of its cloud synchronization with other devices using the same platform.
Compatibility and system requirement
Microsoft had always been the leader in operating systems mainly because of its easy and flexible compatibility with different computing devices. Minimum requirement in respect of computer hardware is one of the most important features that made Microsoft almost undisputed leader in operating systems or platforms. Though the minimum system configuration requirement for Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft is slightly higher than the previous Windows 7, in consideration to its wide array of features and supportive aspects for both touch based and key pad based computing devices the system requirements do not seem to be that huge. For Windows 8 to run in a PC the system requires certain hardware support from CPU like physical address extension or PAE, NX bit and SSE2. In regard to screen resolution Windows 8 requires a minimum resolution of 1024x768 or higher and for snapping functionality to perform smoothly a screen resolution of 1366x768 is required. But the most important thing is that you can get away with a minimum configuration like 1 GB RAM, 1 GHZ processor and a graphics card compatible with DirectX9.
Remote connection and remote control
Who would not love an application that supports want of staying connected with the workstation in the office even through the simple application on the screen of your personal computing devices, especially when you are on a business tour? With new and wide range of touch technology enabled computing devises like tablets and smart phones are ready to provide you the staying connected with the internet all round the day with ease of application and flexibility, Windows 8, the new operating system from Microsoft would make your life even easier with the both way support for your office desktop or laptop and your personal touch screen devices with single user account and interface to stay connected to all your professional data and tasks on the go. Most importantly this Windows to Go feature of windows 8 is loaded with great security and authentication measures that would let you connect to your office workstation without slightest amount of compromising on security, confidentiality and integrity part.