As far as the operating platforms for PCs or notebooks are concerned there has hardly been any doubt about the dominance of Windows, but when new interfaces and operating platforms for the past few years continue to grow in challenge with the host of gesture and touch based operation in mobile and portable computing devices like tabs or smart phones or even in the fusion products between these not so distinct categories, Windows as expected was sure to come up with a new operating platform that would practically address all these issues. As for enterprises or interactive uses between personal gadgets and office system, Windows 8 will benefit business in numerous ways. From low booting time collectively to save precious business hours for a company to custom applications and interface for corporate clients to more user friendly remote user access in corporate network, Windows 8 as a operating platform has many wonders to offer specially for business establishments. Here we would sum up some of the lethal ways that Windows 8 will benefit business.

Touch and gesture based application
In a way you can say that Windows 8 is the operating platform to address the new technology requirement in portable computing devices that swept the market for some time. Today even business houses and their hyper active mobile personnel for their vital business process applications or communication on the run prefer to use touch or gesture based applications in high end tabs or wide screen smart phones instead of keypad input. Windows 8 besides offering a more user friendly operation in PCs and laptops offers perfect compatibility in these touch and gesture based operation in smart phones or tabs. In talking about how Windows 8 will benefit business this compatibility factor is the foremost positive aspect to mention.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
With the kind of advanced features that any professional would hardly argue in considering Windows 8 a great operating system, there is also a huge expectation that it would have poor compatibility with old generation processors or eventually would seem to work better with higher configuration. But surprisingly this is not so with this operating platform. Rather Windows 8 in contrast to your expectation would work seamlessly with even a 1GHZ processor, 1GB RAM or just a graphics card compatible with DirectX9.

Storage application
One of the most prolific advantages of Windows 8 that would make many business personnel come with a big smile is its virtual storage facility that would save your crucial space in the hardware. Windows 8 comes with a virtual storage application called SkyDrive which is basically to give you benefit of storing your crucial and most confidential information and files in a personalized application that you can link with your account login detail to maintain it personal.

Far better end to end security
One of the shrewdest points that is simply irreplaceable to consider in our enumeration of the ways Windows 8 will benefit business is the end to end in built security measures in this operating platform from all types of malware and unauthorized access. Network or information security is one of the few major areas of consideration in any corporate company or business house and in this regard this new platform seems to be truly well equipped.
Superb remote connectivity standard
Windows To Go feature in Windows 8 OS is sure to give a new mobile computing and connectivity experience to the corporate users. Without compromising on corporate security you can connect your workstation data from remote locations. Direct Access in Windows 8 is supposed to give you the advantage of connecting from remote location without just launching a separate connection. This ease of remote access without compromising on the security and integrity part is one of the prolific ways that Windows 8 will benefit business.