Manual Submission to Search Engines. Hand Submit Website URL Submission to Major Search Engines

Manual Submission to Search Engines. Hand Submit Website URL Submission to Major Search Engines ATTENTION: Website owners! Hand Submissions to major search engines for as low as $10.00 per month Let us introduce you to the services provided by

Manual Submission to Search Engines. Hand Submit Website URL Submission to Major Search Engines

ATTENTION: Website owners! 
Hand Submissions to major search engines for as low as $10.00 per month

Let us introduce you to the services provided by to advertise your websites sites in the easiest way.

Companies/ individuals create their websites with some reason. The reasons for creating the website is to sell a product, offer a service or pass information to the world. You can success in any of the above only if your site get visitors to visit your site. Your can get the visitors to your web site by advertisements in news papers, your company letterhead, visiting cards etc. But the web search engines are the most successful and effective media for free advertisement. Statistic shows that over 90% of traffic to the sites comes from the search engines and we are here to help you boost your Internet traffic to your websites. Once your sites are listed in the search engines you will get a lot of visits and make the business successful. We at offers you a full package to manually submit your site to major search engines and directories. We do NOT use automated software to submit sites. We submits your web site to major search engines every month and all the submissions are completely done manually.

All you need to do is to provide your information to us once. We will then review you website and offer suggestions to help you achieve higher rankings on the search engines. We will then submit your site to major search engine every month and the submission reports will be sent to you every month.

Features of Web Promotions services

  • No setup charges 
  • 100% approved global search engines 
  • 100% manual submission guaranteed 
  • Getting more visitors 
  • Increasing online sales 
  • Strengthening your Web presence 
  • Reducing your marketing expenses 
  • Achieving better results

Search Engine List

  1. ExactSeek 
  2. Google 
  3. Altavista 
  4. AOL
  5. Walhello
  6. demoz directory
  7. Msn
  8. Infotiger
  9. Check Meta tags
  10. SearchIt
  11. Starting Point
  12. Scrub the web
  13. Abacho
  14. AllTheWeb 
  15. Cipinet
  16. WhatUSeek
  17. WWW RIOT pages!
  18. Splat
  19. (Check Meta Tag)
  20. DinoSearch
  24. Surfgopher
  25. metaEUREKA
  26. One Seek 

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