"JSONArray" example in Java
In this part of JSON tutorial you will study how to use
JSONArray in Java. JSONArray is a sequential and ordered way of
collection values.It may consists of Boolean
JSONArray, JSONObject, Number and String or the JSONObject.NULL
To have functionality of JSON in your java program you must have JSON-lib. JSON-lib also requires following "JAR" files:
- commons-lang.jar
- commons-beanutils.jar
- commons-collections.jar
- commons-logging.jar
- ezmorph.jar
- json-lib-2.2.2-jdk15.jar
JSON-lib is a java library for that transforms beans, collections, maps, java arrays and XML to JSON and then for retransforming them back to beans, collections, maps and others.
In this example we are going to use JSONArray for creating an object of JSONArray and then we will print
this array object . For using JSONArray class we have to import
package "net.sf.json". To add elements in this object we have
used add() method. Here is the full example code of
as follows:
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
To run this example you have to follow these few steps as follows:
- Download JSON-lib jar and other supporting jars
- Add these jars to your classpath
- create and save JSONJavaArray.java
- Compile it and execute ,You will get following output: