JSON Tutorials

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation that is a language independent text format which is fast and easy to understand.

JSON Tutorials

JSON Tutorials


In this tutorial I will teach you about the JSON language which is used mostly on Internet for transferring the data over the network. JSON is JavaScript standard, but other programming languages can be used to generate and consume JSON data.

In this JSON tutorial series we have created the examples in JavaScript and Java technologies that helps you understand JSON in great details.

The JSON object  supports Number, String, Boolean, Array, Another JSON Object, Functions and Null. Learn JSON with the help of following tutorials:

  1. What is JSON? - Understand What is JSON and which programming language supports JSON?
  2. JSON in JavaScript
    stands for JavaScript Object Notation that  is a language independent text format which is fast and easy to understand. That means it is really very simple and easy to learn without sparing much time.
  3. How to convert hashmap to json in Java?
  4. Apache HttpClient GET request example
  5. Remove null values from JSON in Java
  6. Creating Array Objects in JavaScript with JSON
    In the previous section of JavaScript-JSON tutorial you have known that how to create an object and now in this tutorial we have provided you the way array of objects are declared in JavaScript-JSON.
  7. Creating Message in JSON with JavaScript
    In previous section you have studied about the JSON in JavaScript's some basic concepts of creating a simple object and creating an array of objects. Now we are going to discuss how to create a message with JSON in JavaScript.
  8. Parsing a message in JavaScript with JSON
    In the previous section of example we have studied how to create message in JSON in JavaScript and now we will come to know that how we can parse the message in JSON in JavaScript.
  9. JSONObject example in Java
    In the previous section of JSON tutorials you  have seen how JSON can be used with JavaScript to create objects and arrays, you have also studied how to parse and create messages with JSON in JavaScript.
  10. JSONArray example in Java
    In this part of JSON tutorial you will study how to use JSONArray in Java. JSONArray is a sequential and ordered way of collection values. It may consists of Boolean, JSONArray, JSONObject, Number and String or the JSONObject.NULL objects.
  11. JSON and Servlet example
    In the previous section of JSON-Java example you have learned how to create a java class by using JSON classes. Now in this example we will tell you how to use JSON classes for creating Servlet.
  12. JSON-JSP Example
    In the previous section of JSON-Servlet example you have learned how to create a servlet class by using JSON classes. Now in this example we will tell you how to use JSON to use it into JSP pages.
  13. How to convert hashmap to json in Java?
    Learn the usages of Google Gson library for converting map or any object to JSON string.
  14. Remove null values from JSON in Java - Learn to remove the nodes with null values from JSON in Java.