PHP Random image, PHP Randomizing image
Posted on: April 14, 2006 at 12:00 AM
You can learn here how to read the contents of a folder and output the random image into the page.

PHP Random image

PHP Random image Tutorial

Ever wanted to know how to create the random gallery?
Well, here is the way you can do it:

$imgpath = "path/to/image/dir";
$handle = opendir( "$imgpath" );

$imgArray = array();

while($file = readdir($handle))
    if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
        array_push( $imgArray, $file );
closedir( $handle );

mt_srand( (double)microtime( ) * 1000000 );
$randval = mt_rand( 0, sizeof( $imgArray ) - 1 );

print( "<IMG SRC=\"$imgpath/" . $imgArray[ $randval ] . "\">" );

Is it complicated ? Then let's comment the code.

$handle = opendir( "path/to/image/dir" );
$imgArray = array();

Opens the folder where the images are stored and then empties the array of images.

while($file = readdir($handle ))
    if($file != "." && $file != "..")
        array_push( $imgArray, $file );
closedir( $handle );

The code above starts a loop, reads folder contents and checks if the file is not a folder. Then a name of the file is stored in the array and folder is closed when the cycle is over.

$randval = mt_rand( 0, sizeof( $imgArray ) - 1 );

This line generates a random value not greater than number of files in the directory.

print( "<IMG SRC=\"img/" . $imgArray[ $randval ] . "\">" );

Last step is to print image tag code to the page.
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