Struts 2.0.2 Released
Struts 2.0.2 is released with new exciting features and bug fixes.
Here are the list of new features and Plugins added to Struts 2 framework:
* Plugins are now documented in the Apache Struts 2 Plugin Registry.
* Annotations: @Result annotation now supports parameters (WW-1575).
* Ajax Tags: The Autocompleter AJAX tag wraps Dojo's ComboBox and supports remote, static, and JSON content.
* Spring Plugin: Integrate Spring with your application using a plugin (WW-1499). Or, if you prefer, use the Plexus Plugin instead.
* File Uploading Explore multiple file uploading through our new Showcase example (WW-1479).
* Action tag: Eliminate unwanted exceptions with the new flush attribute (WW-1472).
* Checkboxlist tag: Use Maps with CheckboxList (WW-1471).
* Roles Interceptor: Integrate JAAS with a new interceptor - now on the default stack (WW-1469).
* Localized Links: Use the new key attribute to streamline link markup (WW-1458).
* Constant Configuration: Override factory default settings from any XML configurtion document, including web.xml! (WW-1421).
* Action Class Ref: Configure a custom default Action for any package to use instead of ActionSupport (WW-1420).
* Struts Maven Archetypes The standard archetype includes sample code from the Bootstrap tutorial {WW-1412).
* Direct Results: Create a custom Result Type directly from an Action class (WW-1393).
You can download Struts 2.0.2 from