Struts 2.0.1

Now the new release of Struts 2 framework is available with new features and enhancements.

Struts 2.0.1

Struts 2.0.1


Now the new release of Struts 2 framework is available with new features and enhancements. Now there is no need to add struts-default.xml in struts.xml file. The struts-default.xml is now automatically included with all configuration blocks.

Here are the list of enhancements and new features

  1. Following are improvements made to Struts 2 framework
    * Make the list of configuration files automatically loaded configurable
    * Use new XWork ValueStack interface instead of OgnlValueStack directly
    * Friendly Result constructors and setters
  2. Following New features added
    * Top-down (ordered) ParameterInterceptor
    * S2 Tiles/Freemarker Integration Support
    * Support for Struts 1 ActionForms that use Commons Validator
    * Struts plugin framework
    * Create 'toolbox' module that contains client tools like Sitegraph and Quickstart
    * Configuration of message resources

You can download Struts 2.0.1 from