Struts 2.1.8 Features
In this section we will learn the new features and enhancements of Struts 2.1.8. Struts is one of the most used MVC framework by Java Developers.
The stable release of Struts 2.1.8 contains many new features and many bug fixes.
Struts 2.1.8 is the latest struts release as on 28-April-2010. It is released with many bug fixes, enhancements and new features.
Here is the details of new features and bug fixes included in Struts 2.1.8:
- The use of SlashesInActionNames and wildcards in actionnames was causing
memory leak in earlier versions. Now is it fixed.
- A new fix to NullPointerException is also added. This error was coming
when setting the devMode value to "true".
- A fix to a NullPointerException is also added. The NullPointerException
was coming when no token is provided in TokenSessionStoreInterceptor.
- Now in Struts 2.1.8 JSON result type is also supported. This is
possible due to introduction of new JSON plug-in.
- Support for a full-featured OSGi plug-in is also added in Struts
- The Struts 2.1.8 has an embeddedjsp plugin for compiling JSPs. It
can be used to precompiled jsp and packaged in the jar file.
- The Struts 2.1.8 Spring plugin now supports spring's reloading class
- The bean named-variable was renamed to namedVariable.
- If the @Result annotation is marked at the method level, it will
override class-level @Result annotations
- The @ParentPackage annotation can now be inherited. We will show the
examples of @ParentPackage annotation in the future sections.
In this section we studied the features of Struts 2.1.8. In next section we will download and install and run the sample programs of Struts 2.1.8 framework.