Struts 2.1.8 - Struts 2.1.8 Tutorial
The Struts 2.1.8 is latest release of Struts 2 as on 28-April-2010. In this tutorial we will understand the features of Struts 2.1.8, download and install and then see the examples shipped with Struts distribution. Finally we will start developing our own examples. We will also explain you how you can develop complete application using Struts 2.1.8 framework.
Struts 2.1.8 Tutorial is free and is easy to learn. You will learn Struts 2.1.8 in shortest possible time.
The Struts 2.1.8 is released with many new features and enhancements. We will be learning these features shortly.
Most important features introduced in Struts 2.1.8 is the support for JSON result types.
Let's get started with the Struts 2.1.8 framework.
- Struts 2.1.8 Features
It is very extensible as each class of the framework is based on an Interface and all the base classes are given an extra application and even you can add your own.
- Downloading and installing
Struts 2.1.8
This section shows you how to download the latest version of Struts 2.1.8 and then install Struts 2 blank application on the Tomcat Server.
- Struts 2.1.8 Show case
Exploring Struts 2.1.8 showcase examples.
- Struts 2.1.8 Hello World
In this section we will learn how to develop our first Hello World example using the latest Struts 2.8.1.
- Login Application
Learn how to write login form in Struts.
Using Ant to compile the program discussed here.