Call Procedure
Procedure is a set of SQL statement that perform a logical unit and task. Stored Procedure can be compiled and executed with different parameter that may be combination of input, output and input/output parameter.
Understand with Example
The Tutorial illustrate an example from 'Call Procedure'. In this Tutorial we create a table 'Stu_Table' with table attribute like 'field' and data type respectively. The create table statement is used to create a table 'stu_table '.
Create Table Stu_Table
CREATE TABLE Stu_Table ( Stu_Id int, Stu_Name varchar(10), Stu_Class int); |
Insert Data Into Stu_Table
The insert into add the records or rows into the table 'stu_table' with given values specified in Query.
insert into stu_table values(1, 'Komal',10); insert into stu_table values(2, 'Ajay',10); insert into stu_table values(3, 'Santosh',10); insert into stu_table values(4, 'Rakesh',10); insert into stu_table values(5, 'Bhau',10); insert into stu_table values(1, 'aaa',11); insert into stu_table values(2, 'bbb',11); insert into stu_table values(3, 'ccc',11); insert into stu_table values(4, 'ddd',11); insert into stu_table values(5, 'eee',11); insert into stu_table values(1, 'iii',12); insert into stu_table values(2, 'jjj',12); insert into stu_table values(3, 'kkk',12); insert into stu_table values(4, 'lll',12); insert into stu_table values(5, 'mmm',12); |
+--------+----------+-----------+ | Stu_Id | Stu_Name | Stu_Class | +--------+----------+-----------+ | 1 | Komal | 10 | | 2 | Ajay | 10 | | 3 | Santosh | 10 | | 4 | Rakesh | 10 | | 5 | Bhau | 10 | | 1 | aaa | 11 | | 2 | bbb | 11 | | 3 | ccc | 11 | | 4 | ddd | 11 | | 5 | eee | 11 | | 1 | iii | 12 | | 2 | jjj | 12 | | 3 | kkk | 12 | | 4 | lll | 12 | | 5 | mmm | 12 | +--------+----------+-----------+ |
Create Procedure
The Drop Procedure delete the procedure 'stu ',if it is present in database. The create procedure create a procedure' stu ' that accept class as input parameter and data type is integer type. The select statement return you the records from stu_table whose stu_class is any class value passed as parameter.
DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS stu$$ CREATE PROCEDURE stu (class int) BEGIN Select * from stu_table where Stu_Class = class=class; END$$ DELIMITER ; |
Call Procedure
The call stu(10) return you the records from table 'Stu_Table' where stu_class value is '10'.
call stu(10); |
+--------+----------+-----------+ | Stu_Id | Stu_Name | Stu_Class | +--------+----------+-----------+ | 1 | Komal | 10 | | 2 | Ajay | 10 | | 3 | Santosh | 10 | | 4 | Rakesh | 10 | | 5 | Bhau | 10 | +--------+----------+-----------+ |
Call Procedure
call stu(11); |
+--------+----------+-----------+ | Stu_Id | Stu_Name | Stu_Class | +--------+----------+-----------+ | 1 | aaa | 11 | | 2 | bbb | 11 | | 3 | ccc | 11 | | 4 | ddd | 11 | | 5 | eee | 11 | +--------+----------+-----------+ |