Backup Into txt File

This page discusses - Backup Into txt File

Backup Into txt File

Backup Into txt File


Backup Into txt File is used to put the backup file from a  table into a text File.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial illustrate an example from 'Backup Into txt File'. To understand this example, we create a table 'Stu_Table' from which the Backup record is stored in a text file.  

Create Table Stu_Table





Create Table Stu_Table( Stu_Id int, Stu_Name varchar(15),Stu_Class());

Insert Data Into Stu_Table

Insert into adds the records or rows value to the table 'Stu_Table'

insert into stu_table values(1, 'Komal',10);
insert into stu_table values(2, 'Ajay',10);
insert into stu_table values(3, 'Santosh',10);
insert into stu_table values(4, 'Rakesh',10);
insert into stu_table values(5, 'Bhau',10);
insert into stu_table values(1, 'aaa',11);
insert into stu_table values(2, 'bbb',11);
insert into stu_table values(3, 'ccc',11);
insert into stu_table values(4, 'ddd',11);
insert into stu_table values(5, 'eee',11);
insert into stu_table values(1, 'iii',12);
insert into stu_table values(2, 'jjj',12);
insert into stu_table values(3, 'kkk',12);
insert into stu_table values(4, 'lll',12);
insert into stu_table values(5, 'mmm',12);


| Stu_Id | Stu_Name | Stu_Class |
| 1      | Komal    | 10        |
| 2      | Ajay     | 10        |
| 3      | Santosh  | 10        |
| 4      | Rakesh   | 10        |
| 5      | Bhau     | 10        |
| 1      | aaa      | 11        |
| 2      | bbb      | 11        |
| 3      | ccc      | 11        |
| 4      | ddd      | 11        |
| 5      | eee      | 11        |
| 1      | iii      | 12        |
| 2      | jjj      | 12        |
| 3      | kkk      | 12        |
| 4      | lll      | 12        |
| 5      | mmm      | 12        |

Backup query 

The Backup query is used to copies the records from 'stu_table' and insert its records as backup into text file 'abc.txt'. The select statement is used to copy the records from table 'stu_table' into text file.

select * into outfile 'c:/abc.txt' 
from stu_table;

Backup successful ....