


Oracle Database Tutorials 


  1. Oracle Tutorial
    These completely free Oracle9i and Oracle 10g tutorials are in-depth and comprehensive lessons that will help you learn about the Oracle Database. Just click on the free tutorial title you are interested in. The free Oracle 9i or 10g tutorial will render in a new browser window. Scripts mentioned in the tutorials can be downloaded here. Please send comments and suggestions regarding the Oracle tutorials to 
    [email protected].
  2. An Introduction to Oracle: Tutorial Series
    During this laboratory you will build on your knowledge acquired with Postgres by learning the fundamentals of using Oracle, one of the most widely utilised database management system in industry. SQL*Plus is Oracle's command-line interpreter. You may launch SQL*Plus by issuing the sqlplus command in UNIX or using the `start' menu in Windows. In the `start' menu, SQL*Plus is listed under programs > oracle > application development > SQL Plus. You will be prompted for your username and password, which should both initially be set to your username. You will learn at a later stage how to change your password. The last piece of information required by SQL*Plus is the name (called host string ) of the database you want to use: type in mcsora. 
  3. Oracle/SQL Tutorial
    This Oracle/SQL tutorial provides a detailed introduction to the SQL query language and the Oracle Relational Database Management System. Further information about Oracle and SQL can be found under References to other SQL Tutorials and Oracle related material can be found here. The tutorial is now also availabe in Italian! Many thanks to Roberto Meloni! The complete PDF version can be downloaded here .An updated version will be completed soon. This version then will include Oracle9i features and a section on query optimization. 
  4. Using Oracle PL/SQL
    PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language/SQL. PL/SQL extends SQL by adding constructs found in procedural languages, resulting in a structural language that is more powerful than SQL. The basic unit in PL/SQL is a block. All PL/SQL programs are made up of blocks, which can be nested within each other. Typically, each block performs a logical action in he program.
    Information is transmitted between a PL/SQL program and the database through variables. Every variable has a specific type associated with it. That type can be :
    One of the types used by SQL for database columns 
    A generic type used in PL/SQL such as NUMBER 
    Declared to be the same as the type of some database column 
  5. Oracle Designer/2000 and Developer/2000
    The objective of this tutorial is to expose you to some important features and tools of Oracle Designer/2000 and Developer/2000. You will learn how to use Designer/2000 and create E-R diagrams, Function Hierarchy diagrams, Process diagrams, and Data Flow diagrams that are needed to design a database and implement a user defined system in client's organization. Later on, in this tutorial, you will also learn the basics of Developer/2000 that will help you create forms, reports, and screens, and finally generate a working application system. 
  6. Oracle Troubleshooting
    This topic includes over 300 technical documents and bulletins published by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support. These documents contain useful technical information, alerts, sample scripts and other sample files. We have organized the documents to correspond to the chapters listed in this book (shown below). Although some of the documents here might seem outdated, we have included them because we believe that each one of them presents useful concepts that should benefit all levels of Oracle users
  7. The Oracle FAQ
    The Oracle FAQ puts a wealth of information at the fingertips of Oracle professionals all over the world. Use our directories and powerful search facilities to quickly locate all the information you need. We provide not only answers to frequently asked questions, but also Message Boards, Sample Code, Books, Links, Job Listings, Tools, USENET Archives, Mailing List Archives, and many more features to enrich your Oracle journey. 
  8. Introduction to Pro*C Embedded SQL
    Embedded SQL is a method of combining the computing power of a high-level language like C/C++ and the database manipulation capabilities of SQL. It allows you to execute any SQL statement from an application program. Oracle's embedded SQL environment is called Pro*C. A Pro*C program is compiled in two steps. First, the Pro*C precompiler recognizes the SQL statements embedded in the program, and replaces them with appropriate calls to the functions in the SQL runtime library. The output is pure C/C++ code with all the pure C/C++ portions intact. Then, a regular C/C++ compiler is used to compile the code and produces the executable. For details, see the section on Demo Programs. 
  9. Oracle notes
    1.Intel Cites Reasons to Stay on the Bus

    The chip maker explains why it will continue to use its existing hardware platform designs, which includes using buses to connect its chips to memory, versus adding direct links. Intel will continue riding the bus route. Executives at the chip maker, in a high-level discussion of its Core Microarchitecture at its spring Developer Forum, here, said that the company's bus approach?using a series of pipelines and a discrete controller to shuttle data between its processors and memory versus directly connecting the chips?still has legs
  10. Oracle Express
    With the examples of the previous part, the "Best Foot Forward" database really exists on paper. To make it more interactive, we will use some product on the market. For the moment, I suggest that you use the Oracle products. It's very important to mention that I choose Oracle Express because I have used it for a long time and I know how it works. If you want to compare the various OLAP products, I suggest you to visit the sites here. Finally, all propositions for "OLAP in practice" pages with other products will be much appreciated.
  11. Oracle: SQL*Plus
    At the SQL prompt, you can begin typing any SQL command. Upon hitting return (i.e., enter key) the SQL prompt will change to line number prompts. When you are finished typing a command, type / or RUN to execute the SQL command. Also, a semicolon at the end of the SQL command will execute the command immediately after hitting return. In addition to SQL commands, /, and RUN, other commands can be issued at the SQL prompt (a semicolon does not have to follow the nonSQL commands).