


Java Bean Tutorials


  1. Introduction Java Bean
    The basic idea of the Beans tutorial is to get you to the point where you can quickly create beans. You may want to write new beans from scratch, or you may want to take existing components, applets, or other classes and turn them into beans. A second goal is to help you understand basic Beans concepts. It can be difficult to assimilate concepts and turn them into pragmatic programming techniques strictly by reading Beans source code, API interfaces, or even the Beans specification.
  2. Net Beans
    Including: Project Matisse; completely redesigned support for CVS; support for WebLogic 9, JBoss 4 and Sun Application Server; Struts and Java Server Faces support; new types of refactoring and editor enhancements as well as easy to use tools for quickly extending the IDE or building rich client applications on the NetBeans Platform. If you're coming to Las Vegas for CTIA, don't miss the FREE NetBeans Mobility Day event. Find out the latest info on the leading Java ME authoring solution, the NetBeans Mobility Pack. Key mobile players including Sprint and Nokia will be presenting on Java ME and NetBeans. With great door prizes and networking opportunities, this is a can't-miss event for Java ME developers.
  3. Spoke - a library of javabeans components for signal processing
    Spoke is a library of javabeans components for signal processing. It includes fft, wavelets and Kohonen neural networks algorithms. It is aimed at the quick design, test and use of signal processing chains, for an educational or engineering purpose. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  4. JavaBeans a Short Course
    This course consists of cross-linked course notes and flexible exercises that will take about eight hours to complete. Programmers that have experience with serialization and reflective programming may finish sooner, while those for which these concepts are entirely new will want to proceed more slowly. These course notes, applets, and exercises were developed and tested with the JDK 1.1.2 and Netscape Navigator 3.01 under Windows NT 4.0 and Solaris. Only HotJava (or the JDK's appletviewer) will be able to run the Java 1.1 specific applets. Neither Netscape Navigator 4.0 (within Communicator) nor Internet Explorer supports JavaBeans, yet. Other browsers and earlier versions of Navigator will also have trouble running all the applets.
  5. JavaBeans 101
    A JavaBean is a reusable software component that is written in the Java programming language. You write JavaBeans just as you write any other Java class. You can also take existing components, applets, or Java classes and turn them into JavaBeans. This tutorial does not replace the JavaBeans specification, but provides concrete examples and step-by-step guidelines for building and using JavaBeans. Read corresponding sections of the specification in conjunction with this tutorial. You might also find it helpful to study the example source code provided by the Bean Developer's Kit (BDK).
  6. JavaBeans 101, Part II
    Part II of the JavaBean tutorial teaches you how to write the code for a simple JavaBean. Later, you will use the BeanBox tool to run, test, and change your Bean. You can also create JavaBeans and modify existing Beans using GUI building tools. For a review of JavaBeans Part I. A JavaBean is a Java class that defines properties and that communicates with other Beans via events. Properties can be defined within the JavaBean class definition, or they can be inherited from other classes. A Bean, however, is not required to inherit from any particular class or interface.
  7. JavaBeans 101, Part III
    Advanced Bean programming is about customization. Customization entails providing a basic behavior for a Bean and allow its specific behavior to be controlled by end users who interact with the Bean, typically through application builder tools. The Bean thus becomes a set of classes, including the Bean proper, as well as other classes that provide a clean, simple, and intuitive interface through which end users can specify precise Bean behavior in applications. The examples in this segment give you a solid understanding of Beans. Once you've mastered these concepts, you are well on your way to building reusable software components that others will want to use in their programs.
  8. Introduction About the JavaBeans API
    The Java Developer Connection (JDC) presents a Short Course on the JavaBeans API written by Java Software licensee, the MageLang Institute. A leading provider of Java technology training, MageLang has contributed regularly to the JDC since 1996. The MageLang Institute, since its founding in 1995, has been dedicated to promoting the growth of the Java technology community by providing excellent education and acting as an independent resource. To find out more about MageLang's Java technology training, visit the MageLang web site. Learn to use JavaBeans technology to create independent, reusable, platform-independent, marketable components with Java technology. Topics include the JavaBeans architecture, event model, introspection, design and implementation, using the BDK BeanBox application, and more.
  9. Building Your First Stateless Session Bean
    The intention of this tutorial is to demonstrate how easy it is to build server-side Java components using the Enterprise JavaBeans component model. In fact, ease-of-use and ease-of-programming are key. It is designed to enhance your understanding of the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, and the Enterprise JavaBeans model by providing concrete examples and step-by-step guidelines for building and using Enterprise JavaBeans applications. This tutorial shows you how to program Enterprise JavaBeans, and how to install, or deploy, them in an Enterprise JavaBeans container. Note: in Enterprise JavaBeans terminology the installation process is called deployment. The Enterprise JavaBeans Container is provided by the Enterprise JavaBeans server vendor, so is not something the programmer has to worry too much about.
  10. Building a bevy of beans
    JavaBeans has ushered Java into a whole new era. Not only does it provide a rapid application development (RAD) environment, but it also offers a general framework for the development of reusable code libraries. And reusability is what it's all about. In this article, the first of two, we will step through the development of two JavaBeans components. We will cover, along the way, general issues of JavaBeans programming, properties, and custom events; beans customizers; and the use of the BeanBox. Next month's installment will conclude this series with a discussion of more beans and more advanced JavaBeans development topics.
  11. Java Coffee Break Tutorials
    If you wish to use any source code from the tutorials in your projects, you'll need to import the files into your project first. Also remember that Visual J++ 1.1 isn't JDK1.1 compatible - you'll need to upgrade your Microsoft Java Virtual Machine first. Borland JBuilder should work with all these tutorials, but you'll need to import the files into your project first. We also have a two part tutorial series.
  12. The Advanced Java/J2EE Tutorial
    Distributed object computing extends an object-oriented programming system by allowing objects to be distributed across a heterogeneous network, so that each of these distributed object components interoperate as a unified whole. These objects may be distributed on different computers throughout a network, living within their own address space outside of an application, and yet appear as though they were local to an application.
  13. A session of EJB
    Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 1.0 is the exciting new enterprise component model for Java. EJB is exciting because it brings modern, powerful capabilities to enterprise middleware written in Java. No longer do you need to write every bit of infrastructure for the middleware tier of a Java application or (if you're lucky) modify previous code for this purpose. Instead, EJB handles that process for you all you have to do is write the actual business logic you are trying to implement.