PHP MySQL Update
In SQL, Update is another statement which is used to update any record of a table. This command is useful when we need to update any existing value, which could be wrong or need to be updated.
General format of the command is as follows:
update <table name>
set <field-name=value,....>
where <condition>
In the above syntax where is important because if you do not use this every field will be changed.
Now let us implement this statement in PHP.
die("Cannot connect".mysql_error());
echo "<br/>Before updation:<br/>";
$result=mysql_query("select * from student");
echo $row['e_id']." ".$row['age']."<br/>";
echo"<br/>After updation:<br/>";
mysql_query("update student set age=26 where e_id='emp01'");
$result=mysql_query("select * from student");
echo $row['e_id']." ".$row['age']."<br/>";
} 0
Output: 1
Before updation:
emp01 28
emp02 27
emp05 26
emp_05 28
After updation:
emp01 26
emp02 27
emp05 26
emp_05 28