PHP Cookies and Sessions Flood protection using cookies Tutorial

Cookies are an integral part of any good website, learn one application of them here.

PHP Cookies and Sessions Flood protection using cookies Tutorial

PHP Flood Protection using session


In the following tutorial we will learn how to stop the undue input from user, to put such kind of constraint you can use the following code. This script prevents users  from flooding (posting excessive useless messages) your shout box, poll, comments area, forum etc. To do this, we have to use session, a valuable part of php

Example 1:





if($_SESSION['view']< 5)





if($name=='demo'&& $passwd=='demo')


echo "hello $name";









echo"<br/>Sorry your maximum turn exceed";






?> 0


If you enter demo in both the text boxes, output will be: 1

hello demo

Otherwise if maximum turn exceed more than 4 times, output will be:

Sorry your maximum turn exceed 2