How to draw a television
Try to draw a television with this example.
New File: Take a new file with required size.
Rectangle Shape: First draw a Rectangle shape with black color by using Rectangle tool (U key).
Effect: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay, Bevel and Emboss and use both settings.
Rectangle Shape: Choose "d3d3d3" color and make a rectangle shape in side the big rectangle shape by the Rectangle tool (U key) as I have done here.
Inner Shadow: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Inner Shadow and use settings as given below.
Your TV will look like this.
Rounded Rectangle Shape: Choose "abc7e9" color and rounded rectangle tool (U key) to draw a rounded rectangle shape.
Bevel and Emboss: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss and use settings.
Your image is here.
Choose rounded rectangle tool with black color and a little shape as looking down.