Photoshop Tutorial : Printer

It is not tuff to design a printer now. We can make a printer image in the Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial : Printer

Photoshop: printer by the Photoshop


How to make a printer by the Photoshop 

It is not tuff to design a printer now. We can make a printer image in the Photoshop This tutorial will teach you to design a printer with easy step by step. Follow my this article...

New file: Firstly we have take a new transparent file which size can be defend on you, how much you want. I have taken here file size (with = 284, height = 250).  

Front Shape of printer: We are going to make front of printer so. Go to pen tool (P key) and point on the file then make adjustment as I have done here.

Gradient Overlay: Go to Layer menu > Layer Style> Gradient Overlay and make adjustment as given below.

Stroke:  Got to Layer menu> Layer Style > Stroke and set stroke 1 with black color.

your image

Mouth of the Printer: Select rectangle tool (U key) and drag a rectangle shape and use gradient overlay as upper gradient setting. Now select direct selection tool (A key) and adjust setting as I have done here.

Inner Part of Mouth: Select inner part of mouth by pen tool (P key) and fill color black. The image will look like this....

Select ellipse tool (U key) and drag a big circle on the printer.

Select again ellipse tool (U key) and drag a small circle into big circle

For buttons, select ellipse tool (U key) and choose white color then drag little circle into like buttons as I have done here...

The backside of the printer: Let' make back site of the printer, where you want inset paper to print.

Select rectangle tool (U key) and drag a rectangle shape with same use gradient overlay upon, select direct selection tool (A key) and adjust as I have.

Select rectangle tool and drag rectangle shape with same use gradient overlay upon then adjust as given below image

Select again rectangle tool and drag a circle with white color then adjust by the direct selection tool (A key), your image will look like this.

Side Portion: To design side portion select pen tool (P key) with any color and make a shape as like giver below image.

Use gradient: Go > Layer menu > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay and make setting as giver below.

Holding Point: When we need to move printer from any where so that. It should have a holding point. Select rectangle tool and drag a rectangle shape and adjust like holding point as I have done here. 0

Select Layer menu > Layer Style> Stroke> set stroke 1. 1

Final Image