Night Sky Design in Photoshop

This tutorial will help you to learn night sky design.

Night Sky Design in Photoshop

Night Sky Design in Photoshop


How to design a night sky scene?

With this tutorial, you will learn to design a night sky scene. Some easy steps have been used in this tutorial that makes it easy to learn for beginners.

Let's start

First Step:
Firstly you have to open a new file. So go to file menu select new. A popup menu will appear, control the height and width as you want to give size of your file.

Second Step:  
Select foreground color black then select paint bucket tool (G key) and fill in your file. The image will shown as giver below.

Third Step:  
Now you have a file filled by black color, select ellipse marquee tool (M key) to design a moon with new layer. Draw a circle with shift key where you want on the file. Fill color white for the moon. The picture will appear as given below.

Fourth Step:  
Go to layer menu select layer style then inner shadow. Layer style popup menu will appear as giver below.

Fifth Step:
In the fifth step you have to design a star so open a new layer. For that you select a polygonal lasso tool (L key) and make selection as a star shape, when completed selection fill with white color and adjust size and place as you like.

Sixth Step:
In the sixth step you have to make many stars so. Select one star, alt key and move arrow key. The new star will come then place it on your file as you want. Do it till you want.

Final Image