How to design a jug.
Get ready to learn a simple way to design a jug, which we have kept on this example to design. I am sure, you will do that so follow it now.
Let's start.
Take a New File: Choose "#A8ADB4" color then select Pen Tool (P key) and make point as looking below.
Effects: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay, Stroke, Bevel and Emboss and Inner Shadow, make setting as given below.
You will get it.
Pen Tool: Choose white color and select Pen Tool (P key), make points and adjust by the Direct Selection Tool (A key) as given below.
Effects: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Inner Shadow, Stroke and make setting as given below.
You should have similar as here.
Handle: Select Pen Tool (P key) and point like a handle as given below.
Effects: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Inner Shadow, Bevel and Emboss, Gradient Overlay and Stroke. Use same settings as looking below.