How to design a crown of the king
In this example you will learn a simple processor to make a crow of the king, it has been make some effective steps that is given in this example so let's try to make it.
New File: Create a new file with appropriate size as your crown design.
Pen Tool: Choose "Yellow" color and Pen Tool (P key), make point like a crown.
Effects: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Stroke, Inner Shadow and make setting as given below.
You will get it.
Rounded Rectangular Tool: Choose Rounded Rectangular Tool (U key) and draw a shape then select Direct Selection Tool (A key) and adjust by the mouse pointer as given below.
Effect: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Inner Shadow, Stroke and use both settings as given below.
Your image should be similar.
Pen Tool: Choose Pen Tool with "Red color" and point.
Bevel and Emboss: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss and make setting as given below.
Image should be similar.
Ellipse Tool: Choose Ellipse Tool (U key) and draw a circle middle of the crown.
Bevel and Emboss: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss and use these settings given below.
Ellipse Tool: Choose Ellipse Tool (U key) and draw a circle on the background layer with selected white color.
Stroke: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Stroke and use these setting as given below.
Your image will look like this.
Ellipse Tool: Choose again Ellipse Tool (U key) and draw a circle on the background layer with selected "F3E00B" color. 1
Effects: Go to Layer Menu > Layer Style > Stroke, Gradient Overlay and use both settings as given below.