How to design a bouncing cricket ball, design a bouncing cricket ball, cricket ball

This page discusses - How to design a bouncing cricket ball, design a bouncing cricket ball, cricket ball

How to design a bouncing cricket ball, design a bouncing cricket ball, cricket ball

How to design a bouncing cricket ball


Now you can bounce a cricket ball by using this example, this is an animated tutorial. I have made this effect in the image ready. 

New File: Take a new file in which you want to bounce a cricket ball.

Capture a ball: Capture any cricket ball picture and set it let top of the document as I have done.

Make Another: Make duplicate layer of the ball and set just little a bit down at the right sight as here.

Use same step to make another.

Keep using this step as looking this picture.

(Note: Every ball should inset in the new layer to make animation easily.)

Image Ready: You have to adjust all the layers as a beautiful animation of bouncing ball.

Animation: Go to image ready by clicking bottom of the toolbar, you have to adjust layer by the frame which is available in the animation window as I have done here.

Save File: Now Save your file, go to File Menu >Click Save Optimized and give any name.

Final Result