How to make a alien face mask, make a alien face mask, alien face mask

This page discusses - How to make a alien face mask, make a alien face mask, alien face mask

How to make a alien face mask, make a alien face mask, alien face mask

How to make a alien face mask 


Use this example to make a alien face mask, which is played by the children.

New File: Take a new file with any size.

Draw a circle: Choose "31c101" color and Ellipse tool (U key) to draw a circle as here.

Modify circle shape: Now modify the shape by the Direct selection tool (S key) as looking below.

Noise: Go to Filter menu > Noise > Add noise and use settings.

You will get it.

Effect: Go to Layer menu > Layer style > Stroke, Bevel and Emboss and use both settings.

Eyes: Choose "cdedc0" color and Ellipse tool (U key) to draw a eye shape.

Effect: Go to Layer menu > Layer style > Inner shadow, Bevel and Emboss and use both settings.

You will get it.

Make duplicate layer of your eye.

Mouth: Choose "cdedc0" and Ellipse tool and make a circle.

Inner Shadow: Go to Layer menu > Layer style > Inner shadow and use settings.

This is you final result.

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