What is Linux?
Linux is an Unix based Complete Operating System. It is widely used as Server
Operating system. It provides free open-source operating system to the users. It is originally written by Linus Torvalds at the University of
Helsinki in Finland. It has a reputation of running efficiency and fast
performing system.
Linux source code is freely available to everyone under the GNU General
Public License. Initially Linux was developed for x86, but now it runs on the
various platforms such as Intel, PowerPC, Sparc, and also available on IBM's
S/390 platforms.
Linux has both the operating system graphical user interface and command user
interface. Linux is distributed using the Free Software Foundation's copyleft
stipulations that mean any modified version that is redistributed must in turn be freely
available. Some companies like 'Red Hat', 'Novell' distribute Linux
commercially included auxiliary programs. Linux Desktop Operating System can be
downloaded from CDs and DVD by paying some charges depending upon the
company's regulations. It can be also downloaded from the internet at free
of cost from various Linux distributions.